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This article appeared in Quake  

ALSC Deathtrap is a Multiplayer level. This level was inspired by the level designer's workplace as an attempt of learning Quest.

Spawn Locations

  • Bones room of Bridge Side.
  • Corridor of Corridors beside bones room, opposite red window side.
  • Empty corridor of Corridors between lower office of Wind Tunnel Connected Offices and Rocket Launcher bridge.
  • Corridors, in front of red window.
  • Second floor office of Wind Tunnel Connected Offices, alcove on red window side.
  • Conference Room.
  • Second floor of Bridge Side.

Important Item Locations




Type Count
Easy Normal Hard/Nightmare
Rottweiler 3 3 3
Grunt 1 1 1
Zombie 1 1 1
Knight 1 1 1
Enforcer 1 1 1
Total 7 7 7

Room-By-Room Summarization


ALSC Deathtrap


  • Grunt at end of corridor opposite dark corridor, perpendicular red window room.
  • Enforcer at end of corridor near dark corridor, perpendicular red window room.
  • Quad Damage in red window room.
  • Double-Barrelled Shotgun in darkened corner near red window.
  • Movable Wall at end of hidden corner in darkened corner leads to red window room.

Wind Tunnel Connected Offices

  • Knight in doorway of upper floor leading to staircase to lower floor Corridors.
  • Nailgun at middle of upper floor.
  • Super Nailgun on corner desk with computer on lower floor.
  • 2 Shells behind desk with two computers on lower floor.
  • 2 Shells on upper floor, near staircase to lower floor.
  • Nails in small alcove of upper floor, red window side.
  • 25 Health in small alcove of upper floor, red window side.
  • Movable Wall opens to reveal Wind Tunnel on lower floor's central structure, opposite red window.
  • Wind Tunnel connects lower and upper offices.
  • Teleporter in small alcove of upper floor, opposite red window side, leads to conference table of Conference Room.

Conference Room

  • Rottweiler in neighboring office.
  • 2 Rottweilers in conference room.
  • 100 Health in hidden alcove of neighboring office.
  • Yellow Armor in darkened shadow of conference room.
  • Grenade Launcher on conference table of conference room.
  • 25 Health in neighboring office.
  • Hitting the Computer Screen in the neighboring office causes a Movable Wall to slide out on the opposite side of the desk, revealing a hidden alcove.
  • 2 Movable Walls, 1 in each doorway, for conference room and neighboring office.
  • Hitting the sides of the Grenade Launcher platform shall turn on the lights in the room, cause a ring of Conference Chairs to appear while causing possible minimal damage, and display the message "The conference of Doom!" The second can be repeated, the other two trigger only once.

Bridge Side
