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Quake Wiki

The Acceleration Pad in Quake III Arena is a jumping hazard often placed near a dangerous chasm. Sometimes the Leap of Faith can be a long jumping death or just a longer Bounce Pad. The intent of a Acceleration Pad is to make an area appear impossible to navigate, the player will be confronted with their goal on the opposite side of a deadly chasm. This is designed to puzzle a player to avoid gladiator's gunfire when dodging projectiles.

The solution to the Acceleration Pad is rather simple during battle with Xaero in the final level of The Very End of You in Tier Z, requiring the player just to walk off the surface they are currently on to reach what appears to be certain death next to the Fog of Death or the Void. Rather than falling into the dangers below, a Acceleration Pad will keep the player suspended in some manner to allow them to reach the goal on the opposite side.

Taking a Acceleration Pad is generally safe, though it does depend on the method used. The invisible Void tends to have no risk involved, it simply thrusts the player in the direction they need to go. If the Acceleration Pad is a space-themed brush, a danger tends to exist if the player unknowingly walks off the brush. Though this makes the invisible brush variation of the Acceleration Pad appear to be more dangerous, the player will generally be safe as long they take a straight path towards their goal.
