Are you ready to RUMBLE? or Rumble is a Multiplayer level. This level is intended for 4 or more players, if the player does not have 4 players they are recommended to use Bots.
This level is inspired by wrestling matches, featuring raised platforms where players would duke it out. There are also catwalks, VIP balcony seats, and cheap seating along the outer edge of the map. The Wind Tunnels are drain pipes to clean the Water below of blood and Gibs. Beside each of the fighting platforms is an invisible Teleporter that allows access to otherwise inaccessible parts of the level.
There is a general lack of Weapons in this level due to Dennis S. Dollins not being a fan of Rocket Launcher spam. He preferred Shotgun battles. The Ring of Shadows and Pentagram of Protection are hidden, but are relatively easy to find, while the Quad Damage is stored in a very easy to miss alcove inside one of the supporting posts.
In addition to Dennis S. Dollins including his initials, he also placed his fiance, Karin, behind a Movable Wall that represents a steel vault door. This represented that Dennis S. Dollins was keeping his greatest treasure behind 16 inches of solid steel.
While this level is perfectly playable in vanilla, Dennis S. Dollins generally played the level with some QuakeC modifications. He generally included falling damage that will kill some of the players immediately upon spawning into the level, limits the Rockets to a maximum of 10, and has Bots that fight alongside the people.
Note that there is a Rumble II. The only difference between this and the original version is the placement of the Movable Wall for Karin. The original was lower, resulting in it being split in half by the balcony, while Rumble II moves it upward to rest level with the balcony.
Spawn Locations
- Near Yellow Armor on Nail platform of Square Platforms, staircase of Water Level side.
- Near Double-Barrelled Shotgun on Nail platform of Square Platforms, staircase of Water Level side.
- Near Double-Barrelled Shotgun on Nail platform of Square Platforms, "DSD" sign near Upper Rafters side.
- Near Yellow Armor on Nail platform of Square Platforms, "DSD" sign near Upper Rafters side.
- Empty side of Shell platform of Square Platforms, "DSD" sign near Upper Rafters side.
- Near Nailgun on Shell platform of Square Platforms, "DSD" sign near Upper Rafters side.
- Near Nailgun on Shell platform of Square Platforms, staircase of Water Level side.
- Empty side of Shell platform of Square Platforms, staircase of Water Level side.
- Balcony, halfway between Yellow Armor and Shells.
- Balcony, empty side.
- Near Upper Rafters on side overlooking Nail platform of Square Platforms. (corrupt)
- Wind Tunnel above Upper Rafters.
- Near Upper Rafters on side overlooking Shell platform of Square Platforms.
- Near Upper Rafters on side overlooking Nail platform of Square Platforms.
- Bridge, side overlooking Shell platform of Square Platforms.
- Bridge, side overlooking Nail platform of Square Platforms.
- Near Upper Rafters, above Balcony. (corrupt)
- Thunderbolt platform.
Important Item Locations
- Double-Barrelled Shotgun - Nail platform of Square Platforms, side opposite Yellow Armor.
- Nailgun - Shell platform of Square Platforms, side opposite side looking towards Nail platform.
- Super Nailgun - Behind "DSD" sign near the Upper Rafters, between the upper portion of the 2 Wind Tunnels.
- Grenade Launcher - Middle rafter of Upper Rafters.
- Rocket Launcher - Connecting beam of Balcony.
- Thunderbolt - Platform in middle of room between Upper Rafters and Square Platforms.
- Quad Damage - Hidden alcove of Water Level.
- Pentagram of Protection - Under staircase of Water Level leading to Bridge, Shell platform of Square Platforms side.
- Ring of Shadows - Under staircase of Water Level leading to Bridge, Nail platform of Square Platforms side.
- Yellow Armor - Square Platforms, side of Nail platform looking towards Shell platform.
- Yellow Armor - Near connecting beam of Balcony, Nail platform of Square Platforms side.
- Upon starting the level, the player will receive a message that Edict 18 does not have a classname. This means that a certain object in the level, in this case a object that appears to be intended to be a light, does not have a classname parameter. As that parameter and value is what specifies what an object is, that means that Quake is unable to determine what "Edict 18" was intended to be.
- Upon starting the level, the player will receive a message that "Wait" is not a valid field. A Movable Wall, the one near the Rocket Launcher, has a parameter called "Wait" that cannot function properly due to the property being case sensitive (all properties are normally lowercase).
- The Wind Tunnels by the "BSD" sign are filled with Water, which conflicts with the function of pushing the player upwards. While the player can make it to the top of the Water, they will continue to be repeatedly pushed upward by a Wind Tunnel while being prevented from leaving due to a small border easily climbable without the Wind Tunnel. This means that the player can become trapped in one of these unless they use a Rocket Jump to escape.
- The Wind Tunnel at the top of the map has a spawn point that functions properly, though as the Wind Tunnel doesn't lead anywhere the player is simply kept trapped inside the Wind Tunnel.
- A message was supposed to appear when opening the hidden alcove with Quad Damage, but doesn't display due to being applied to an improper trigger - "Mr. BigStuff".
Room-By-Room Summarization
Water Level
- Quad Damage in hidden alcove.
- Pentagram of Protection under staircase leading to Bridge, Shell platform of Square Platforms side.
- Ring of Shadows under staircase leading to Bridge, Nail platform of Square Platforms side.
- Cells near Pentagram of Protection staircase.
- Cells near middle of room.
- Cells near Wind Tunnel closer to Shell platform of Square Platforms.
- 25 Health in middle of room.
- 25 Health near Ring of Shadows staircase.
- 25 Health near Wind Tunnel closer to Nail platform of Square Platforms.
- 25 Health near Wind Tunnel closer to Shell platform of Square Platforms.
- Water covers lowest portion of room.
- Elevator near middle of four pillars on Pentagram of Protection side, leads to Shells platform of Square Platforms.
- Elevator near middle of four pillars on Ring of Shadows side, leads to Nails platform of Square Platforms.
- 2 Wind Tunnels, 1 on each side, opposite staircases to Bridge. Wind Tunnels are filled with Water and lead to platforms just below the Upper Rafters.
- Shootable Wall on pillar closest to Pentagram of Protection staircase, leads to hidden alcove.
- Shells near staircase leading to Water Level, Pentagram of Protection side.
- Shells in corner of platform opposite staircase leading to Water Level, Shell platform of Square Platforms side.
- Shells in corner of platform opposite staircase leading to Water Level, Nail platform of Square Platforms side.
- Nails near halfway point between staircase leading to Water Level and corner of platform, Nail platform of Square Platforms side.
- Rockets in middle section.
- 25 Health halfway between staircase leading to Water Level and corner of platform, Shell platform of Square Platforms side.
- 25 Health halfway between staircase leading to Water Level and corner of platform, Nail platform of Square Platforms side.
- 25 Health on straight section looking towards middle section, Nail platform of Square Platforms side.
- 25 Health in middle section.
Square Platforms
- Yellow Armor on side of Nail platform looking towards Shell platform.
- Double-Barrelled Shotgun on Nail platform, side opposite Yellow Armor.
- Nailgun on Shell platform, side opposite side looking towards Nail platform.
- 2 Shells on platform across from Yellow Armor, 1 on side overlooking closer staircase of Water Level, 1 on opposite side.
- 2 Nails on platform with Yellow Armor, 1 on side overlooking closer staircase of Water Level, 1 on opposite side.
- Invisible Teleporter between gap of Double-Barrelled Shotgun of Nail platform and Bridge, leads to Balcony.
- Invisible Teleporter between gap of Nailgun of Shell platform and Bridge, leads to Upper Rafters.
- Yellow Armor near connecting beam, Nail platform of Square Platforms side.
- Rocket Launcher on connecting beam.
- Shootable Wall on the low portion of the wall beside the connecting beam, reveals an alcove with a picture of Dennis S. Dollin's fiance.
- Shells in corner closer to Nail platform of Square Platforms.
Upper Rafters
- Super Nailgun behind "DSD" sign, between the upper portion of the 2 Wind Tunnels.
- Grenade Launcher on middle rafter.
- Thunderbolt on platform in middle of room between rafters and Square Platforms.
- Shells on second to last rafter on side overlooking Nail platform of Square Platforms.
- Wind Tunnel across from Grenade Launcher, opposite side of Thunderbolt platform. The Wind Tunnel can only be accessed by spawning inside of it, whereby the player will be trapped at the top. A series of messages appear when ascending or descending the Wind Tunnel, though aren't accessible by normal means. From bottom to top, they are "You gonna die now...", "Pretty peaceful huh?", and "Long way down huh?".