Tech Ashworth is a character featured in Quake IV. He is a member of Scorpion Squad in the Space Marine Corps and participates in the Second Invasion of Stroggos.
Second Invasion of Stroggos[]
Ashworth is encountered at the bridge section near the Tram Hub Station with Medic Duncanson. At the start of the mission, they can be heard asking HQ for an immediate evacuation after taking heavy casualties, but are ordered to secure the bridge and stay put while an evacuation unit is en route. When Corporal Kane arrives at the bridge area, they are in the middle of an engagement. After assisting them in eliminating the Tactical Strogg, they thank him, but shortly after another enemy transport arrives and they have to once again fend off a squad of Tactical Strogg.
Once the area is clear, they go to the nearest door to enter the bridge control building. Before they enter, Ashworth provides Kane with the Chain Lightning Mod for the Lightning Gun. Once they enter, they clear the ground floor of the building and take up defensive positions while Kane takes the elevator up to activate the bridge. Once he returns, the three Marines clear the area around the bridge once more and make their way to the other side. Ashworth and Duncanson stay put while Kane advances towards the station.