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Quake Wiki

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AutoRockets and PipeBombs is a modification for Quake made by Armin Rigo as an example file for QuakeMap 2.0. This file was designed to showcase that multiple QuakeC files can be combined into one modification using QuakeMap.

AutoRockets modifies the Rocket Launcher so that it will fire rocket projectiles that can detect and automatically go towards opponents. Every tenth of a second, it shall look for some opponent to go after within a radius of 1000 units. It shall calculate the nearest opponent and go after said entity.

PipeBombs changes the Grenade Launcher so that it fires pipebombs. These work similar to a regular grenade projectile, except that they only explode when the player uses Impulse 100. A message is displayed when the grenade projectile goes off that says "Boum ! ". This shall be shown for each pipe bomb that goes off, meaning the message will be "Boum! Boum! Boum ! Boum!" if four go off. Due to the need to go off at some point, the Pipebombs shall explode if the player continually played the same level for nearly 12 days.

Note that the impulse command set up by QuakeMap is configured to be a toggle, "+impulse100" and "-impulse100". This is invalid and will not work properly, the impulse needs to be "impulse 100" since it is a one-time activation.
