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This article appeared in Quake 4  


The beating heart of BCF Transfer Station 3

A Bio-chemical fluidic transfer station is a Strogg bio-mechanical construct, which resembles a huge beating heart, whose apparent purpose is the pumping of various fluids throughout the industrial facilities of Stroggos. The exact number of these stations is unknown.

The heart is unable to maintain its beating independently, therefore it receives jolts of electricity approximately every 10 - 15 seconds. An electrical overload could damage the heart tissue, causing it to stop working permanently.

Bio-Chemical Fluidic Transfer Station 3[]


A schematic of BCF Transfer Station 3

During the later stages of the Earth-Strogg war, the stroggified SMC Corporal Matthew Kane found his way into BCF Transfer Station 3, which was located deep within the Dispersal Facility. The beating and howling of the giant heart can be heard echoing throughout the installation long before actually seeing it.

After overloading the system with two very powerful electrical shocks, he disables the heart, thus opening a way into the Recomposition Center.

A group of Repair Bots emerges to fix the heart, though it remains unclear whether their efforts were successful.


  • The method used to destroy the heart, electric blasts from two electrodes, is somewhat reminiscent of the killing of Chthon in the original Quake.

