Da Ancient War Grounds is a Multiplayer level in Threewave Capture. This level is designed for Capture the Flag.
Like all other custom levels in Threewave Capture, this map was entirely designed to be used on their specific server. While it can be used outside of the server without the proper version of Threewave Capture, it will not be identical to how it was intended to be played.
Also note that all players spawn inside of their base when Capture the Flag is enabled. Spawn locations designates locations players spawn if Capture the Flag is disabled. In Capture the Flag, the flags themselves can be found on a large circle in the innermost portion of each castle.
Spawn Locations
- Rocket Launcher tower of blue base of Castles.
- Grenade Launcher tower of red base of Castles.
- Rocket Launcher tower of red base of Castles.
- Grenade Launcher tower of blue base of Castles.
- Roof of blue base of Castles.
- Roof of red base of Castles.
- Middle of bridges in Central Section.
- Middle of two staircases leading to upper floor of Central Section.
- Nailgun of Central Section.
- Lower bridge overlooking Nailgun of Central Section.
- Lower floor window of Central Section.
- Near entryway to main structure of Central Section, bottom of bridge.
Important Item Locations
- Double-Barrelled Shotgun - Red base of Castles, window beside the main entrance to the base.
- Double-Barrelled Shotgun - Red base of Castles, opposite window beside the main entrance to the base.
- Double-Barrelled Shotgun - Blue base of Castles, window beside the main entrance to the base.
- Double-Barrelled Shotgun - Blue base of Castles, opposite window beside the main entrance to the base.
- Double-Barrelled Shotgun - Middle of red base of Castles, opposite staircase side.
- Double-Barrelled Shotgun - Middle of blue base of Castles, opposite staircase side.
- Nailgun - Central Section, beside small ledge overlooking pit of inner Lava.
- Super Nailgun - Middle of red base of Castles, staircase side.
- Super Nailgun - Middle of blue base of Castles, staircase side.
- Grenade Launcher - Tower of red base of Castles, opposite staircase side.
- Grenade Launcher - Tower of blue base of Castles, opposite staircase side.
- Grenade Launcher - Wind Tunnel ravine of Central Section.
- Rocket Launcher - Tower of red base of Castles, staircase side.
- Rocket Launcher - Tower of blue base of Castles, staircase side.
- Rocket Launcher - Central Section, below pit of inner Lava.
- Thunderbolt - Water alcove of red base of Castles, Grenade Launcher side.
- Thunderbolt - Water alcove of blue base of Castles, Grenade Launcher side.
- Quad Damage - Central Section, below pit of inner Lava.
- 100 Health - Roof of red base of Castles.
- 100 Health - Roof of blue base of Castles.
- 100 Health - Central Section, below pit of inner Lava.
- Green Armor - Upper floor of red base of Castles, opposite staircase side.
- Green Armor - Upper floor of blue base of Castles, opposite staircase side.
- Yellow Armor - Roof of red base of Castles.
- Yellow Armor - Roof of blue base of Castles.
- Yellow Armor - Beside Nailgun in Central Section.
- Red Armor - Hidden alcove of red base of Castles, accessible via Teleporter in Central Section.
- Red Armor - Hidden alcove of blue base of Castles, accessible via Teleporter in Central Section.
Room-By-Room Summarization
- Two 100 Health, one on each castle roof.
- 2 Green Armors, 1 on the upper floor of each base, opposite staircase side.
- 2 Yellow Armors, 1 on each castle roof.
- 2 Red Armors, 1 in each hidden alcove, accessible via Teleporter] in Central Section.
- 4 Double-Barrelled Shotguns, 1 in each windowed area on each side of the front entrance to each base.
- 2 Double-Barrelled Shotguns, 1 near the middle of each base, opposite staircase side.
- 2 Super Nailguns, 1 near the middle of each base, staircase side.
- 2 Grenade Launchers, 1 in each tower opposite staircase side.
- 2 Rocket Launchers, 1 in each tower on the staircase side.
- 2 Thunderbolts, 1 in the Water alcove of each base, Grenade Launcher side.
- 2 Shells, , 1 beside each Green Armor.
- 2 Nails, 1 beside each Green Armor.
- 2 Cells, 1 beside each Thunderbolt.
- Four 25 Health, two in the middle section of each castle.
- 2 Doors, 1 in the middle of each castle, are the front entrances to each base.
- Water makes a moat around each castle.
- Floorplate in hidden alcove causes Movable Wall on opposite side to temporarily open, allowing access to the central area on the opposite staircase side.
Central Section
- Quad Damage below pit of inner Lava.
- 100 Health below pit of inner Lava.
- Yellow Armor beside Nailgun.
- Nailgun beside small ledge overlooking pit of inner Lava.
- Grenade Launcher in Wind Tunnel ravine.
- Rocket Launcher below pit of inner Lava.
- Shells beside the window on the lower floor.
- Shells below pit of inner Lava.
- Nails beside the window on the lower floor.
- Nails beside Nailgun.
- Nails below pit of inner Lava.
- Rockets below pit of inner Lava.
- Rockets in Wind Tunnel ravine.
- Cells below pit of inner Lava.
- 25 Health beside the window on the lower floor.
- Lava below bridge connecting two Castles and the central area.
- Lava in small room on lower floor separated by Door from rest of floor.
- Door on lower floor, underneath staircase.
- Button below pit of inner Lava, causes player to hit invisible Teleporter and return to staircase room of lower floor.
- 2 Wind Tunnels on top floor on opposite sides of a small ravine, each side leads the player to the front entrance of the Castles.
- 2 Teleporters above the Wind Tunnel ravine, each podium is a different color and designates the base the player will go to, leads to the hidden alcove of Castles.
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