The Chainsaw is a Quake closed-source weapon modification dated 5/22/1997. The idea, code, skin, and modeling was done by Peter "Shinote" Wickis while Thomas "Viper" Olsen made the sounds. This modification adds an Chainsaw Weapon that can be used alongside the Axe. The weapon can be collected from dead Ogres, in Deathmatch, it will replace the Green Armor.
It seems to have taken inspiration from the Doom weapon of same name. One of the pickup messages is also taken directly from the aforementioned game.
The Chainsaw is about as powerful as a Quad powered Axe, in Single-Player it becomes very useful against low-tier enemies ranging from Grunts, Rottweilers, Enforcers, Ogres, to even Shamblers. Caution should be used against enemies such as the Fiend or the Scrag, since these can attack the player from long distances or from high places. The Chainsaw should NOT be used against Spawns due to it exploding when killed.
In multiplayer games, players can spot and be spotted using the Chainsaw similarly to the Axe if they have it currently equipped. When used against an opponent, Gibs will come out from it.
- The Chainsaw's blade is textured strangely. It seems that the author wished to skin the blade in a silver texture. However, Quake's pallete doesn't support such a color tone. The end-result is a lightly cyan colored blade with some reddish bits(presumably blood).
Pickup Messages[]
- You got the portable hand-held timber harvesting tool! Find some muscular protein!
- You got the chainsaw! Find some wood!
- You got the chainsaw! Find some meat!
Death Messages[]
- "Player" was massacred by "Attacker"
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