Chris' Test Map or QChunks is a Multiplayer level. This was Chris Thibodeaux's first attempt to create a Quake level. This level is intended for 8 players or less.
An update was later made on July 25, 1996. Changes included support for the registered version as well as a change to Elder World brick instead of purely Wizard.
Spawn Locations
- Platform of Upper Ring across from Nailgun platform, side opposite barred section.
- Rocket platform across from Grenade Launcher platform of Upper Ring.
- Rocket platform across from Nailgun platform of Upper Ring.
- Upper Ring, platform closest to top of Water.
- Central platform of Lower Ring.
- Near Super Nailgun corner of Lower Ring.
- Upper Ring, platform in middle of barred section.
- Upper Ring, halfway between Nailgun and Grenade Launcher.
Important Item Locations
- Double-Barrelled Shotgun - Corner of Lower Ring between Super Nailgun and horizontal Teleporter.
- Double-Barrelled Shotgun - Upper Ring, platform in middle of barred section.
- Nailgun - Upper Ring, platform closest to top of Water.
- Super Nailgun - Lower Ring, corner below Grenade Launcher platform of Upper Ring.
- Grenade Launcher - Platform of Upper Ring across from Nailgun platform, side opposite barred section.
- Rocket Launcher - Beam in Water halfway between Lower Ring and Upper Ring.
- Thunderbolt- Central platform of Lower Ring.
- Quad Damage - Platform above Upper Ring.
- Yellow Armor - Alcove of Lower Ring, halfway between Super Nailgun and Water to Upper Ring.
Room-By-Room Summarization
Chris' Test Map
Lower Ring
- Yellow Armor in alcove halfway between Super Nailgun and Water to Upper Ring.
- Double-Barrelled Shotgun in corner between Super Nailgun and horizontal Teleporter.
- Super Nailgun in corner below Grenade Launcher platform of Upper Ring.
- Rocket Launcher on beam in Water halfway between lower and Upper Ring.
- Thunderbolt on central platform.
- Two 25 Health in alcove halfway between Water and horizontal Teleporter.
- Pool of Lava between central platform and lower ring.
- Water to Upper Ring in corner between Super Nailgun and horizontal Teleporter.
- Horizontal Teleporter in corner between Water and Double-Barrelled Shotgun, leads to Quad Damage platform above Upper Ring.
- Vertical Teleporter in alcove between Super Nailgun and Double-Barrelled Shotgun, leads to Thunderbolt platform.
Upper Ring
- Quad Damage on platform above upper ring.
- Double-Barrelled Shotgun on platform in middle of barred section.
- Nailgun on platform closest to top of Water.
- Grenade Launcher on platform across from Nailgun platform, side opposite barred section.
- 2 Shells, 1 on each side of Double-Barrelled Shotgun platform.
- 2 Nails, 1 on each side of Nailgun platform.
- 2 Rockets, 1 on each platform at opposite ends of the barred section.
The original version of this level, made entirely out of Wizard
Alternate Versions
Aftershock for Quake version using the Aftershock Level Theme.