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Country Club Towers is a Single Player and Multiplayer level. The full name of this level is Country Club Towers Created by Mark Wheeler discgolf@ix.netcom.com www.geocities.com/colosseum/2295/; it is broken apart into multiple lines of text that don't show on the status bar but are visible in the Console.

This level is loosely based on the apartment complex that level designer lived in. While it features a large outdoor area, this causes frequent visibility issues.


Head to your left to cross the courtyard, then head down the staircase and through the Door at the bottom. You are now in a two story apartment complex; the first floor has invisible wall windows that can be destroyed if you shoot them enough. Head up the next staircase to reach an intersection. Turn around, then jump to the platform overlooking the stairs to collect the Double-Barrelled Shotgun. Return to the intersection, then turn right and enter the next room. The area to your right, as well as the doorway straight ahead, are entirely devoid of resources. Turn left to reach another intersection, ignore this for the moment and continue to reach a small area with a few washing machines. Turn right, then proceed to the far side of the room before turning left. Collect the Rockets, then turn around and jump on the shelf. Turn right to jump on the series of drying machines, then proceed to the far side of the room to collect the Grenade Launcher. Return to the last intersection, then head through the doorway you previously ignored. Turn right, then proceed to the end to press the Button and lower the Elevator you are standing on. Turn around to enter the basement level of the building.

Ignore the Button to your right, it just is another way to lower the Elevator, and instead turn left. Head to your right to reach an intersection, then turn left to reach another intersection. Enter the room to your left to collect the Grenade Launcher and 2 Rockets, then turn around. Head into the dark alcove to your left to collect the Red Armor, then return to the intersection and continue to the next doorway. Turn right to enter the room, then collect the two 25 Health and Shells on the far side of the room. Return to the intersection and head to the end of the corridor, then turn left to enter the next room. Collect the 2 Cells beside the large boiler filled with Lava. Hit the Shootable Wall on the far side of the boiler to reveal a Teleporter, then continue forward to teleport into a small room. Collect the Thunderbolt straight ahead, then continue forward to press a Button. Turn around, an Elevator will lower through the doorway, and head to the upper floor. You are now at the top of the staircase of the building across from the windowed structure. Turn around to enter the building, then drop into the pool of Water in the middle of the next room. Collect the Yellow Armor at the bottom of the pool, then turn around and hit the Shootable Wall. Proceed through the newly revealed doorway to leave the Water. From the intersection, follow the left corridor to collect 2 Nails beside a window overlooking the main courtyard. Return to the intersection, then do the same with the opposite side to collect 2 Rockets beside the window.

Return to the top of the pool room, then head through the doorway to the left of the main staircase entrance. Collect the Double-Barrelled Shotgun and Shells, then return to the pool room and turn around. Head through the doorway in the upper right corner of the room, then collect the Nails and Nailgun. Turn around and return to the pool room, then turn left and head through the doorway. Collect the Shells in the lower left corner of the room, two 25 Health in the upper left corner of the room, and 25 Health in the upper right corner of the room. Drop into the pool of Water in the middle of the room to collect the Rocket Launcher. Swim into the tunnel straight ahead, across from the entrance to the room, to collect the Quad Damage. Proceed forward to drop through an invisible wall, landing in the courtyard on the starting side. Turn around, then head through the doorway to your left. Follow the corridor to an intersection, then continue forward to collect the Shells. Turn left and head to the wall, then turn right. Head down the corridor while collecting the three 25 Health, then turn right at the end. Head down the small corridor, then turn left and enter the next room. Collect the Ring of Shadows under the staircase straight ahead, then turn right. Cross the basketball court to collect the Nails and Nailgun. Turn around, then head to the upper right corner of the room to collect the 25 Health. Behind you is a corridor leading back to the courtyard, while to your left is a staircase leading back to the pool room. Return to the corridor you previously ignored at the last intersection, then follow it as it veers to the right. Collect the Grenade Launcher, then follow it to the end to head through the Teleporter.

You are now in the basement of the two story building. Turn left to collect the Ring of Shadows beside the wall, then turn right. Ignore the pathway in the upper left corner, instead heading to the upper right corner to collect the Yellow Armor in the shadows. Head through the doorway to your left. Turn right to collect the Super Nailgun from the small wooden alcove, then turn left and continue into the next room. Head to your right to collect the 2 Nails. The doorway straight ahead leads back to the intersection near the Elevator, so instead turn around and return to the pathway you previously ignored. Turn left, then head down the long corridor before turning right at the end. Turn right once more after a small corridor, then head up the flight of stairs. Behind you is an alcove overlooking the stairs, but it is entirely empty. Ignore the doorway straight ahead, instead turning around and heading to the far side of the room. Ignore the Shootable Wall to your right, it just leads to the courtyard, and instead turn around to head up the stairs. Turn right, then head to the wall while ignoring the Shootable Wall to your left. Turn right, then cross the room before turning right again. Collect the Red Armor behind the stairs, then return to the last Shootable Wall and head through it. Collect the 25 Health in the alcove to the left, then continue into the next room straight ahead. Collect the two 25 Health in the alcove to the left, then continue forward past the alcove before turning left. Collect the Shells and Double-Barrelled Shotgun in the closet to your right, then return to your previous position. Ignore the Shootable Wall to your right, instead hitting the Shootable Wall to reveal a Teleporter behind it. Head through the Teleporter to reach the roof of a gazebo in the courtyard. Collect the Grenade Launcher and Rockets, then drop to the floor below. Head into the gazebo to collect the Super Nailgun and 25 Health.

From the opening in the gazebo, cross diagonally to the Shootable Wall and proceed through it. Head to your left, then jump onto the wooden structure to collect the Nails inside. Behind you is a doorway you ignored beside the staircase with the empty alcove. Turn right to jump onto the lip of the wooden structure, then jump to the shelf straight ahead. Jump to the shelf in front of you to collect the Super Nailgun, then turn around and drop to the floor to your right. Turn right and head through the doorway, straight ahead is a doorway leading to the staircase you used to originally enter this building near the washing machines. Turn right to head up the stairs, then turn around at the top to jump to a ledge with a Quad Damage. Return to the top of the stairs, then turn left and head to the wall. Turn left once more, then head down the corridor to reach an intersection with 2 Shootable Walls. The left Shootable Wall leads to the room with the Teleporter to the gazebo, so instead turn right and head through the Shootable Wall. Collect the two 25 Health in the closet to the left, then continue forward to collect the Rocket Launcher from another closet to the left. Turn right and head down the corridor into the next room, then turn left to reach an intersection. Turn left into the doorway to reach a bathroom, then turn left to collect the Yellow Armor. To your right is a bathtub filled with Water, return to the intersection and turn left. Head to the end of the corridor and turn left. Collect the Rockets from the closet to your left, then continue to the end of the corridor and turn left. Enter the closet and collect the Rockets.


Spawn Locations

  • Basketball court
  • Double-Barrelled Shotgun alcove near the pool room.
  • Nailgun alcove near the pool room.
  • Grenade Launcher room of basement of windowed building.
  • Apartment with large number of closets, further side from Shootable Wall.
  • Middle of gazebo.
  • Alcove underneath staircase by Red Armor in windowed building.
  • Large empty room near washing machines.

