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Quake Wiki
Quake Wiki

This article appeared in Quake 4  

In Quake 4, Crouch Slide is a movement skill that allows player to evade threats when pulled at a right moment. Simply crouching while running will give a ground slide at the same direction like name implies. Direction can't be changed upon crouching, and acts like a small extension of player's velocity. Can be pretty useful at CTF matches where players may find themselves focus fired very often, also gives a small edge to run away from the scene quickly when player's firepower falters against heavily stocked enemies.

Bunny HoppingCircle StrafeCrouch SlideGibbingGrenade JumpHigh Wall JumpInfightingOverbouncePlasma ClimbQuick Weapon SelectionRocket JumpSplash DamageTelefragTeleport JumpWall Clip