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The Abode or The Abode DM is the third level of DEATHMATCH Maps. Similar to DMAS02: DeCarlo, this level is designed to be made in the shape of a house. This level is more complex than the previous level; it is possible to get to the roof and jump into the chimney. The wooden beams serve no practical purpose beyond being an extra area of the map to explore. Similar to the previous level, the player also can go Underwater and swim underneath the house. The Thunderbolt is hidden and could possibly be missed by most first-time players. The rooms are not scaled, meaning that they vary in size and are not proportional to what would be seen in a normal household. Gregory A. MacMartin created this map with no real life model, meaning it was not inspired by any household like the previous level. Similar to DMAS02: DeCarlo, a Door is in front of the End Tunnel.

This level is the largest of Gregory A. MacMartin's contributions for DEATHMATCH Maps. As it is extremely large, it can support a larger number of players than a normal Deathmatch level. This level is intended for 24 players or less.

Though this level is intended to be Multiplayer only, the level was designed to hold Enemies. As Enemies do not exist in Deathmatch games, this means that the aforementioned Enemies only appear in the Single Player rendition of this level. As Enemies and a Single Player spawn point exist, this means the level is fully functional in Single Player even though it is intended for Multiplayer.

Quick Level Completion

  • Turn around, then go through the doorway to your right.
  • Go to your left to walk onto the descending ramp, then turn right and proceed to the lower floor.
  • Turn right, then cross the room to the Door on the opposite side.
  • Go through the Door, then continue forward to exit the level.

Spawn Locations

Important Item Locations




Type Count
Easy Normal Hard/Nightmare
Knight 2 2 2
Total 2 2 2

Room-By-Room Summarization


DMAS03 - The Abode

Slime Pool Room

  • Red Armor on platform suspended over Slime pool.
  • Double-Barrelled Shotgun on middle of wooden beams.
  • 4 Nails, 2 on the furthest beam and 1 each on the two closer beams, on side further from doorways to Staircase Room and Floating Elevator Room.
  • Rockets on ramp of wooden beam leading to Floating Elevator Room
  • 3 Rockets, 1 on each wooden beam, on side closer to doorways to Staircase Room and Floating Elevator Room
  • Slime pool in middle of room.
  • Door on Nails side that leads to House Exterior.
  • Door on Rockets side that leads to House Exterior.

Fireplace Room

Staircase Room

  • 4 Cells on opposite side of room from ramp leading to Fireplace Room.

Floating Elevator Room

Water Pool Room


House Exterior

DMAS02: DeCarlo Aftershock Levels DMAS04: LavaBox
