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Dark Halls V0.8b or Dark Halls is a Multiplayer level. This level is intended for 4 players or less. Dark Halls is inspired by and is intended to imitate the style of DM2: Claustrophobopolis.

A Demo file has been included to showcase a three-player Deathmatch on the level between designer Ray and testers Painless and Roy. However, this file appears to require custom model "*45" (there is a count from 1-46), the visual element of the console is unable to be shown in a vanilla game (though the Console messages remain visible). This appears to involve the number of entities in the level, of which there are only 44 defined. Note that the Demo plays on a level known as Dark Halls V1.01.

Note that while Dark Halls has a version number in the level name, it does not correlate to the actual version of the file. Based on the conflicting Demo, it is likely the 1.01 update did not properly supply an updated .BSP.

Startup Message

This level also includes a startup message:

"Welcome to the Dark Halls
** Beta ** 
(c) Ray"

Spawn Locations

  • Top of staircase in Sealed Room Area.
  • Main Hub, across from the Elevator leading to the Sealed Room Area.
  • Two Route Corridor, bottom of staircase route.
  • Sealed Room Area, across from the Button.
  • Upper floor balcony of Sealed Room Area.
  • Upper floor balcony of Shootable Button Room.
  • Shootable Button Room, under Shootable Button.
  • Lowest floor of largest section of Lowest Section, Elevator side, Super Nailgun side.
  • Lowest floor of largest section of Lowest Section, opposite Elevator side, Super Nailgun side.
  • Lowest floor of largest section of Lowest Section, beside doorway leading to small side room.
  • Middle floor of largest section of Lowest Section, across from Teleporter.
  • Middle floor of middle staircase room of Lowest Section, beside Elevator.
  • Top floor of Lowest Section, beside Elevator from middle staircase room.

Important Item Locations



Room-By-Room Summarization


Dark Halls V0.8b

Sealed Room Area

  • Rocket Launcher on upper floor of sealed room.
  • Nails on lower floor of sealed room.
  • 2 Rockets on upper floor balcony, overlooking staircase.
  • Two 15 Health on lower floor of sealed room.
  • Two 25 Health across from the Button.
  • Button to side of Doors opens otherwise locked Doors at top of staircase. Hitting the Doors before the Button is pushed for the first time results in the message "Look right!" being displayed.
  • River of Lava on lower floor.
  • Moving Platform moves between two floors of sealed room, allows access to upper floor Bars that open when approached to allow access to upper floor balcony.
  • Teleporter on upper floor balcony, leads to middle floor of largest section in Lowest Section.
  • (#1) overlooking the pool of Lava opposite the Button side.
  • (#2) across the river of Lava from the Main Hub Elevator.

Main Hub

  • Thunderbolt suspended on small platform in small side room.
  • 2 Nails in small side corridor with window overlooking main area.
  • Two 25 Health across from the Elevator leading to the Sealed Room Area.
  • Elevator beside narrow window allows access to Sealed Room Area.
  • Door with Elevator on far wall from narrow window, leads to Lowest Section.
  • Lava underneath small platform and main pathway in small side room.

Shootable Button Room

Two Route Corridor

Lowest Section

  • Yellow Armor at end of top floor bridge of largest section.
  • Super Nailgun on lowest floor of largest section, opposite Elevator side.
  • 2 Shells, 1 on each side of the top floor Teleporter.
  • Nails on Button side of middle staircase room, lowest floor.
  • Nails beside Elevator in middle staircase room.
  • 2 Rockets in middle of lowest floor of largest section.
  • Cells on lowest floor of largest section, Elevator side.
  • Two 15 Health in small side room of largest section.
  • Two 25 Health beside curved light.
  • Two 25 Health on top floor, beside Elevator from middle staircase room.
  • Two 25 Health on top floor of largest section, between intersection leading to side staircase and balcony with Yellow Armor.
  • Button across from curved light, beside Elevator, lowers Elevator, allowing access to Main Hub.
  • Elevator on curved light side of middle staircase room, middle floor, leads to upper balcony.
  • Teleporter on top floor, across from Elevator from middle section, leads to area near Double-Barrelled Shotgun of Two Route Corridor.
  • Teleporter on middle floor of largest section, leads to upper floor balcony overlooking Sealed Room Area.
  • Elevator in largest section, far side from middle staircase room, leads from lowest floor to middle floor.
  • Elevator in small side room of largest section, lowest floor, leads to side staircase.
  • Elevator at dark end of middle floor of side staircase, across a platform overlooking a pool of Lava, leads to a Movable Wall that pushes the player to the small side corridor of the Main Hub with window overlooking main area.


From the staircase in the Sealed Room Area, looking towards the Door, turn left to fire at a Movable Wall. This will cause a Bridge to extend over to a newly revealed alcove. Access this alcove to collect the Quad Damage.
Use the Main Hub Elevator to reach the Sealed Room Area. Look towards the river of Lava and jump on the window. Jump across the river of Lava to reach another window leading into a room with the level designer's signature on the wall using a custom texture, "Ray". The room has small rafters overlooking the Main Hub below, head to the middle of the rafters to collect the Grenade Launcher.
Press the Floorplate in the Two Route Corridor, then immediately move forward onto the staircase. The Bridge will hit you and retract, causing minor injury. Turn around to look back at the way you came, then head through the doorway in the upper right corner which was revealed by having the Stairs lower. Turn right to look down the corridor, then collect the 100 Health. Proceed forward, up a small staircase, to reach another Movable Wall; this allows access back to the Main Hub.