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This article appeared in Quake  

Death on the Docks is a Multiplayer level. It is intended for 4-8 players.

Spawn Locations

Important Item Locations




  • It is possible to open the Door for the Dual Window Room while in the the corner of the Lake near the Grenade Launcher bend of the Dock.
  • This level was supposed to have a message displayed when the player would go through the secret Teleporter - "Just walk straight ahead".

Room-By-Room Summarization


Death on the Docks


Inner Structure

  • Quad Damage on platform, near window.
  • Thunderbolt on platform, near staircase to lower floor.
  • Rockets on platform, opposite staircase.
  • 2 Cells underneath platform.
  • Door to Courtyard opposite platform.

Dual Window Room

Water Tunnel

  • Tunnel is filled with Water.
  • Shootable Wall to right of ramp leading from Courtyard when looking into room, leads to Lake.



Small Secret Room

  • Quad Damage in small corridor. Picking it up results in the message "Kick ass!!!" being displayed.
  • 100 Health in small corridor. Picking it up results in the message "Heal up..." being displayed.
  • Red Armor in small corridor. Picking it up results in the message "Suit up..." being displayed.
  • Floorplate on spawn location from Teleporter of Courtyard. Pressing it results in a Movable Wall sliding aside temporarily to allow access to the Rocket Launcher platform of the Lake and causes the message "The door is open!" to be displayed.

Large Secret Room

Alternate Versions
