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..Ambush? is the first level of Corrupt Mischief. This level has a corrupt soundtrack directory as it searches for Track 1, which is a data track and therefore cannot be played.

The player must search for the Gold Key in order to proceed. This level brings back the Rottweiler, Zombie, Knight, Scrag, Ogre, and Fiend.

Quick Level Completion

  • Proceed forward and enter the large room. at the end of the corridor.
  • Go through the Door in the middle of the left wall, then proceed forward into the next room.
  • Go through the Door in the middle of the right wall.
  • Enter the doorway in the upper right corner of the room.
  • Drop into the pool of Water in the middle of the room to collect the Gold Key.
  • Return to the large room, then go through the Door in the middle of the opposite wall.
  • Proceed forward into the next room, then turn right and go through the Door.
  • Head to the opposite side of the corridor, then turn left.
  • Proceed down the corridor, then turn right.
  • Continue forward into the next room.
  • Go through the Gold Door in the upper right corner of the room.
  • Proceed down the staircase and turn right.
  • Follow the corridor to the end, then turn left.
  • Proceed down the staircase and turn left.
  • Follow the corridor to the end, then turn left.
  • Proceed down the staircase and turn right.
  • Proceed down the staircase and turn left.
  • Follow the corridor to the end, then turn right.
  • Head down the staircase into the next room.
  • Walk forward to reach the Bars.
  • Turn around and kill the 2 Fiends that have spawned.
  • Turn around once more, then proceed forward to exit the level.



E2M1 - ..Ambush?

Proceed forward to collect the Double-Barrelled Shotgun and Shells while killing the Ogre. Proceed forward to the intersection. Turn left, ignoring the doorway straight ahead and the corridor to the right, and follow the corridor to the end. Go through the Door to the left to reach the next room. Kill the Knight and Ogre, then collect the 2 Shells by the far wall. Return to the intersection, then follow the corridor to the opposite side. Turn right and go through the Door to enter the next room. Kill the Knight and Ogre, then turn left. Collect the Nails by the far wall, then turn left again. Kill the Knight in the alcove straight ahead, then proceed towards the alcove to collect 2 Shells. Return to the intersection, then turn right and proceed into a large room. Turn left, hugging the near wall, then proceed forward to reach a Door that will open to your left. Turn left to enter the room, then collect the Shells while killing the Ogre. Turn around, then return to the initial doorway of the large room. Turn around once more to face into the room. Proceed straight ahead to go between two wooden staircases, one to the left and one to the right. Continue past the staircases to collect 2 Shells, 1 beside each staircase. Proceed forward to reach a large wooden block that makes up a part of the upper level. Collect the Nails to the right, then turn around and start heading towards the opposite staircase. Collect the Shells in front of the opposite staircase, then turn right. Collect the Nails to your left, halfway between the upper floor platform and the wall, and Green Armor to your right beside the wooden block. Return to the staircase intersection. Proceed up the staircase to the right to collect the 25 Health and Nails. Turn right and proceed up the next flight of stairs. Kill the Knight at the top, then turn right to kill another Knight. Ignore the staircase to the left for the moment, instead following the wooden platform to the end and turning right. Proceed down the flight of stairs to collect the 25 Health and Nails. The staircase to the right is the one you ignored earlier at the staircase intersection, so instead return and go up the last previously ignored staircase. Turn left, ignoring the section of platform to the right, and follow the section of platform. Collect the Rockets near the halfway point, then continue to the end of the platform to kill the Ogre. Turn left, then follow the next section of platform to the end to collect a Nailgun. Return to the intersection by the staircase, then proceed forward to the opposite section of platform. Collect the Rockets near the halfway point while killing the Ogre, then proceed to the end of the platform. Turn right onto the next section of platform, then kill the Ogre near the halfway point. Turn right and drop off the platform to return to the lower level. Turn around to face the near wall of the room. Collect the Shells in the upper left corner of the room, then go through the Door straight ahead. Kill the 3 Rottweilers, 2 Scrags, and Ogre in the next room. Collect the Shells in the lower left corner and the Shells in the lower right corner, then go through the Door to the right. Proceed forward to the opposite end of the corridor to collect the 25 Health, then turn left. Head down the next section of corridor, then turn right and continue forward into the next room. The Gold Door is in the upper right corner of the room, ignore it for the time being and instead collect the Shells in the lower left corner.

Return to the large room, then proceed forward to cross to the opposite side. Go through the Door in the middle of the far wall to enter the next room. Kill the 5 Rottweilers on the alcove straight ahead, then turn left to kill the Knight. Collect the Shells in the upper left corner, then turn right to collect the two 25 Health and Shells on the opposite side of the room. Turn around and proceed to the opposite side of the room. Collect the Shells in the upper left corner, then go through the Door straight ahead. Kill the Fiend and 2 Scrags. Collect the Shells in the lower left corner and 25 Health in the upper right corner, then go through the doorway in the upper right corner. Proceed forward to reach the next room. Collect the Shells in the lower right corner and 25 Health in the upper left corner, then turn around to look into the room. Drop into the pool of Water in the middle of the room to collect the Gold Key, then rise to the surface and leave the pool of Water. Kill the Ogre and Scrag that spawned when you picked up the Gold Key. Return to the large room near the start of the map. Turn right from the Door to kill a Fiend that has spawned in the dark corner. Return to the room with the Gold Door. Hit the Wall in the upper left corner of the room to reveal a small corridor beyond. Go through the newly created doorway behind the Wall, then turn left. Kill the Scrag, then proceed into the small room at the end of the corridor. Kill the Ogre to the right while collecting the Grenade Launcher and 25 Health straight ahead. Return to the previous room and go through the Gold Door.

Proceed down the staircase while killing the Zombie. Turn right to kill another Zombie, then proceed forward to the opposite end of the corridor. Turn left, then head down the staircase while killing the Zombie. Turn left at the end of the corridor. Continue forward to kill the 2 Zombies while collecting two 25 Health. Turn left, then proceed down the staircase while killing another Zombie. Turn right, then go down the staircase while killing the Zombie. Turn left, then start to proceed down the corridor while killing the 2 Zombies. Go through the doorway to the left to kill a Fiend. Collect the Nailgun floating in mid-air and the 25 Health, then return to the previous corridor. Turn left to head up the corridor, then turn right at the end and go through the doorway. Proceed down the staircase into the next room. Collect the 25 Health in the lower left corner and the two 25 Health in the upper right corner, then go towards the Bars straight ahead. Turn around and kill the 2 Fiends that spawned when you touched the Bars to lower the Bars. Turn around and go through the End Tunnel behind the lowered Bars to exit the level.

Differences from Easy to Normal

Differences from Normal to Hard/Nightmare


Type Count
Easy Normal Hard/Nightmare
Rottweiler 8 8 11
Zombie 9 9 9
Knight 6 7 10
Scrag 6 8 9
Ogre 10 6 11
Fiend 5 3 5
Total 44 41 55



E2M1 - ..Ambush? (Deathmatch)


Spawn Locations


This is the level that the second Demo is played. The level is played on Hard/Nightmare with the default equipment of 25 Shells and a Shotgun. Upon spawning into the level, the player is confronted by an Ogre. The player collects the Double-Barrelled Shotgun between the Ogre and himself, then rushes forward and fires at the Ogre with his newly acquired weapon. The Ogre gets knocked back as the player backs up to collect some Shells. The player fires again at the Ogre before rushing forward once more. The player shoots the Ogre at close range, but gets close enough that the Ogre tries to swing its chainsaw at the player. The player backs up before it can cause any damage, then starts moving to the right wall. As the player hits the wall, he fires again and kills the Ogre. The player moves forward to an intersection and chooses the right pathway. At the end of the corridor they turn right and go through a Door. As the Door opens, the player fires on an Ogre, stunning it while a Knight starts rushing toward the player. As the Ogre gets out of its stun, the player backs up and fires again at the Ogre. The Ogre moves somewhat to the left, towards the middle of the Door, before trying to fire a projectile. The player hits the Ogre before it has a chance to fire. The player starts to move to the right as the Ogre and Knight get closer to his position. The player fires between the Knight and Ogre, causing both to take damage. As the player starts to strafe back to the left, the Knight reaches his position and takes a swing at him while the Ogre fires a projectile. The projectile bounces off the wall and lands near the player's starting postion. The Knight swings at the player as the player kills the Ogre, lowering the player's Health to 78. The player quickly turns to look at the Knight and fires twice, Gibbing it instantly. The player picks up the Rockets dropped by the Ogre and goes into the room he was trying to get in before. As he gets about halfway into the room, he turns to his left to look into an alcove with 2 Knights. Missing them with his initial shot, the player moves in and fires again on the first Knight. Using a strategy of moving away and then into the opponent, he kills the first Knight in two shots and the second Knight in a single shot. The player moves to collect the 2 Shells near the alcove, then returns to the intersection and crosses to a corridor on the opposite side. The player turns left at the end of the corridor and goes through another Door. 2 Knights and an Ogre rush towards the player's postion. The player starts to move towards the 2 Knights, but misses with his initial shot as he fires between the Knights. The player continues to move towards the leftmost Knight. As both Knights swing at him, lowering his Health to 38, the player fires on the Knight he was looking at. The player continues past the Knight as he starts turning to look into the room. The player fires at the Ogre, but misses with his shot. The Ogre fires a projectile, missing the player and instead hitting the weakened Knight, killing it. The second Knight takes Splash Damage from this projectile as well. The player continues turning to look at his Enemies, which have clustered near the Door. The player fires at the living Knight before strafing to the left, running along the back wall of the room from the Door. The player walks into some Shells as the Ogre fires another projectile, still missing the player's position. The player fires between the Knight and Ogre, stunning both opponents as he continues to strafe to the left. The player starts to strafe to the left wall as the Ogre and Knight start moving towards his position, which causes the player to collect 2 Shells. The player fires at the Ogre again, but just grazes the edge of his Enemy. The player starts to move back into the corner as the Ogre prepares to fire another projectile. The player knocks back the Ogre by firing at it once more before it has a chance to fire. Moving away from the corner to avoid the Knight, the player runs into the corner to his left. He quickly turns and fires at the Knight, killing it, before focusing on the Ogre once more. Turning too far, the player misses the Ogre with his initial attack as the Ogre starts to move to his position. The Ogre goes to use its chainsaw, but the player quickly strafes to the right and fires again, killing the Ogre. The player fires once more as the Ogre goes down, then collects the dropped Rockets and leaves the room.

Returning to the intersection, the player proceeds into the large room across from the starting room. The player opens fire on the Knight on the middle of the wooden platform above, alerting it to his presence as well as 2 other Knights also on the wooden platform and an Ogre on a higher floor. As the player moves closer to the staircases to the wooden platform, he fires again on the Knight. The player starts to strafe up the staircase to his left, firing on the Knight closest to his position as he reaches the bend of the stairs. As the Knight starts to descend the stairs he fires again, but only manages to graze his target. Somewhat ascending the staircase, the player starts to back up when he gets too close to the Knight. The player fires once again at the Knight, but still only manages to graze the Knight with his shots. As the Knight prepares to swing again, the player moves forward and fires directly on his target, killing the Knight. Ogres can be seen firing projectiles throughout the length of these battles, though none of their shots connect with anything. A second Knight has by this point started to descend the staircase. The player fires once at his new target, then backs away as the Knight charges towards him and fires again, killing the second Knight. The third Knight has by this time reached the top of the staircase, the player fires on his new target. The player starts to strafe along the length of the staircase and fires again at the Knight, but most of the shot hits the ground instead of his target. Continuing to move up the staircase, the player moves close enough for the Knight to swing at him. The player backs up to dodge this, but falls off the staircase. The player turns to look at the top of the staircase, where the Knight has started to run, and fires again. This shot kills the third and last Knight. The player runs backwards and hugs the back portion of the stairs while looking at the Ogres firing at him, one has by this point come onto the wooden platform. As the player reaches the bend of the stairs he fires at the Ogre. Though most of the shot hits the wall, some collides with the Ogre and causes it to be knocked back. The player runs around the rest of the staircase and starts to ascend it once more. The player fires at the wooden platform, but misses the Ogre entirely. As the player reaches the bend of the stairs, he fires again and knocks back the Ogre. The player fires twice more at the Ogre as he gets closer to its position. The Ogre fires a projectile, forcing the player to back up while still firing a third time, causing the Ogre to be knocked back. An Ogre above fires a projectile between the player and the Ogre, causing the player to be distracted and watch the projectile fly past him. The player fires again, but is unaligned and thus misses his target. The player quickly aims at the Ogre and rushes towards it. As the Ogre gets out of its stun, the player fires again and kills the Ogre, collecting the Rockets almost immediately due to the player's close proximity. The player proceeds up the staircase leading to the upper floor and turns to look at the alerted Ogre to the left. The player fires at the Ogre as he reaches the top of the staircase, which knocks the Ogre back even though most of the shot only made contact with the nearby wall. The player turns to fire at the Ogre, but after making contact he must move quickly to the left to avoid the Ogre's projectile. The player fires again, but misses the Ogre due to the change in alignment. The Ogre fires another projectile, forcing the player to strafe right into the wall, the player attempts to fire again but misses once more. The player charges directly at the Ogre, firing in close proximity to ensure he makes direct contact. The player moves even closer, firing again as the Ogre starts to swing its chainsaw. The player gets injured by the Ogre's chainsaw, having his Health drop to 16, but the player is able to back up and kill the Ogre. The player follows the upper platform around to collect Rockets on the near section and a Nailgun on the far section, the player automatically switches to the new Weapon. Dropping down to the lower level, the player goes through the Door closest to their current location. The player proceeds to Nailgun five out of the six Rottweilers on the alcove straight ahead as he heads towards a 25 Health in the upper left corner of the room, bringing his Health back up to 41. While moving, the player has been turning to continue looking at the Rottweilers to ensure all besides one are dead. The player has run out of Nails for the Nailgun, so he automatically switches back to the Double-Barrelled Shotgun. The player walks towards the raised alcove that held the Rottweilers, then turns right and faces the Door he came through. The player fires at the Knight closer to his position. The player starts strafing to the left on the alcove, then fires again at the Knight. As the Rottweiler has run in front of the Knight, it takes the blunt of the shot and is killed. The player fires again at the Knight, but has not adjusted his aim and thus most of the pellets do not connect. The player moves towards the Knight he has been firing at to make a direct, close-range shot. The Knight swings its blade and the player is unable to back up in time, meaning the player's Health drops to 33. Trying to avoid the Knight, the player moves away from the wall only to come into contact with the second Knight. The Knight swings at the player and catches them off guard, thus lowering the player's Health to 4. Strafing to the left to avoid them, the player then turns right to hit the Knights once again. The player underestimates the distance he needs to turn, missing the Knight closer to his Double-Barrelled Shotgun while the second Knight comes in for the kill. The player, Mischief, is slashed by the Knight. The tally screen is shown as Mischief lies dead, then the Demo ends.

Introduction Aftershock Levels E2M2: The Descent
