Entering THREDLEVEL or Frag4Flag is a Multiplayer level. This level is intended for use with Capture the Flag, specifically with the 1.3 release of the TeamFortress modification.
Since this level is intended for TeamFortress, whereby all players spawn with the Weapons they need, there are no Weapons or Powerups in this level.
Capture The Flag
Capture the Flag is relatively similar to Deathmatch. Teamplay is mandatory and cannot be turned off, meaning this level cannot be played in a standard Deathmatch Game Mode. While standard spawn locations exist in the middle of the level, they are intended only to view the level in Observer mode, both teams use specific spawn locations that place them inside of their base.
There are two teams in this level on opposite sides of a pool of Water. Across from each ramp leading out of the Water is a platform for the team to eliminate those who fall into the pool. Players that don't fall into the Water can cross a central bridge. Each base consists of a vertical pool of Water with three platforms of decreasing size. The first two floors have Ammo.
Players can get individual frags, but these do not count to the TEAM score and therefore are mostly useless. To increase the TEAM score, a player must reach swim to the top of the enemies' pool of Water to grab the opposing flag, which looks like an idBase Key. This Flag is at the very top of the Water, it is not on a platform. Picking up the Flag causes the message "Ok you got the enemy flag, Now what ya going to do with it? You could take it back to you base" to be displayed.
A player with a Flag must then return to their base at the bottom of their own vertical pool of Water, whereby the TEAM score will be increased by two points. Note that the TEAM score can be shown at any time with the "showscores" Console Command; the game itself still bases fraglimit upon an individual player's kill count unless t_TeamFrags is set to on. A player that takes the Flag will glow, similar to how they glow with a Quad Damage. Claiming the flag will cause the message "Listen team 2 get it together, team 1 has captured you flag, HaHaHa" to be displayed.
Each base also has a resupply point, which appears to be a floating Backpack, on the back portion of each team's lower floor platform. Each resupply point provides 50 of every Ammo type. This also provides 50 Health and 50 Armor, plus 2 of the secondary grenade type. Note that the player will not exceed the maximum permitted amount of resources for their Class. After taking one of the resources, there is a twenty-five second delay before the resupply point respawns its resources. Note a player can only take resources from their team's resupply point, not their opponent's. Picking it up will cause the message "You just got a shit load of ammo.." to be displayed.
Room-By-Room Summarization
- 2 Shells, 1 on the front side of the lowest platform of each base.
- 4 Nails, 2 on each side of each base, middle platform.
- 4 Rockets, 2 in each base on the middle floor, 1 on the front side and 1 on the rear side.
- 4 Cells, 2 on each side of each base, lowest platform.
- Water seperates the two bases.
- Water exists as the central structure of each base.