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This article appeared in Quake II  

Q2 finalshowdown
Final Showdown

Pc icon Quake II
PS1 icon Quake II PSX


Pc icon Unit 10
PS1 icon Mission 5


11 - Showdown

Previous Map

Inner Chamber

Specific Information



Pc icon 1
PS1 icon 0

New Enemies


New Misc

The id Gallery
Hidden Throne Room


The Makron

Final Showdown is the last level of Quake II's single player campaign. It takes place in a small base located on one of the asteroids orbiting Stroggos. Bitterman has completed his other objectives as part of Operation Alien Overlord, and now has one task left: assassinate the Makron, who has retreated to this base in order to fight the human Marine on ground of the Strogg leader's choosing.

The Makron is ready for battle, piloting a battle-walker exoskeleton called the Jorg. The player must destroy the Jorg first, which will force the Makron to dismount the wreckage for the final battle.

Quick Level Completion

  • Proceed up the nearby elevator into the main arena.
  • Defeat the Jorg and the Makron.
  • Escape the outpost in an escape pod.


This level is essentially a boss fight, taking place in two stages - first the player fights the Jorg and then the Makron. For a detailed analysis, consult the Jorg page and the Makron page.

The battle takes place in a large arena with two elevators leading up to it. In the middle of the arena are two large pillars providing cover. Two floor switches open panels leading to the tunnel under the arena floor, where ammo and armor can be found.

Once the Makron is defeated, the base's self-destruct sequence is activated. The player must find an escape pod on the lower level to make their escape and complete the game, but there is something else they might wish to do first.... see the Secrets section below.


Enemy Any difficulty
Makron 1
Jorg 1

Includes only enemies that can be fought.

The Makron doesn't count as an enemy on the help computer until it appears once the Jorg is defeated, so the help computer will show only 1 enemy in the level until that point.

Secrets (PC version only)

  • Pc icon #1) In the room where you fight the Makron, there are two floor plates; stepping on either one of these will retract a long panel on the floor on the opposite side, leading to a hidden lower room with some supplies you can grab. However, this is not the secret. Once the Makron is defeated, head down to this tunnel and look across from the central button to see a cracked, sparking section of wall. Blow up this wall and head down this path to find the iD Gallery! This is a gallery dedicated to the developers who worked on Quake II. But, there is more. Press the various buttons next to the portraits, and you will eventually open a passage leading down. Climb down here and head down this new path to find a super secret party room with a Tank and a couple of Iron Maidens, along with two suffering human prisoners. Nothing really to collect here; just a fun sight to behold before you make your final exit and beat the game. The 3 enemies here are not a part of the map's enemy count, are not hostile to you, and cannot be killed, so just let them have their fun before the whole place blows up. In the 2023 remaster, look for a shootable button in this room opposite the Tank; this opens a pathway to a second gallery room, devoted to the developers of the remaster.

Differences in the PSX version

  • No secret area.
  • Whereas in the PC version the self-destruct sequence is activated upon the Makron's defeat, the player must find and activate the self-destruct sequence in the PSX version after defeating the Makron, and then escape via a train shuttle rather than an escape pod.



Coming soon...


Quake II PSX levels
Mission 1 Strogg Outpost · Outer Base · Installation · Comm Center
Mission 2 Detention Center · Security Complex · Torture Chambers · Guard House · Grid Control
Mission 3 Power Plant · The Reactor · Toxic Waste Dump · Pumping Station 1 · Pumping Station 2 · Waste Disposal Area
Mission 4 Defense Command · Research Lab · Gravity Booster
Mission 5 Inner Chamber · Final Showdown
Deathmatch levels Cold Storage · Warehouse (PSX) · Aquaplex · Coliseum · Mainframe · Quickfire · Captivity · The Shaft · Hydraphobia · Toxic Vats · The Forge (PSX) · Badlands (PSX)