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This article appeared in Quake  

Fonti.MAP, Fonti, or FONTI is a Multiplayer level. This level is intended for 8 players or less.

Historically, this level is notable for being the first level made for Quake that required the registered version. While it was still released as a raw .MAP like many earlier files, the inclusion of a Red Armor means that this level could only be played on a registered version of the game.

The map's name is a shortened reference to the author's name, Marc Fontaine. As the level was primarily designed as an attempt to see what could be done in the early stages of Quake mapping, meaning it would be bound to fall into obscurity after a short time, Fontaine decided not to bother with creating a more fitting name.

This level primarily features a small arena with a couple tunnels under the Water. A Elevator provides access to an upper floor platform, though triggering the Elevator to start functioning requires hitting a perfectly hidden Shootable Button. An alternative method, and the one Fontaine intended for the normal player to use, is to reach said platform is with a well timed jump by using the ramp leaving the Water.

As a little hidden bonus, there is an additional area that can be reached above the rafters with a well-timed Rocket Jump. This was likely put in, along with the Elevator, so that Marc Fontaine could have some advantage over his friends when playing this level. Fontaine once edited E1M1: Hangar for Doom to include hidden passageways for a similar reason.

This level was later updated on July 25, 1996 to include a wider array of textures from Terracotta instead of just using idBase.

Spawn Locations

  • Corner of platform of Lower Platform, directly opposite Double-Barrelled Shotgun.
  • Ground floor, underneath Lower Platform, between Shells and Nailgun.
  • Underneath ramp on ground floor, leading to platform of Lower Platform.
  • Beam section of platform of Lower Platform.
  • Ground floor of Lower Platform, dock, near Shells.
  • Ground floor of Lower Platform, near Elevator leading to Upper Platform
  • Ground floor of Lower Platform, near staircase leading to platform.
  • Double-Barrelled Shotgun alcove of Water Tunnels.

Important Item Locations



Room-By-Room Summarization



Water Tunnels

Water Level

Lower Platform

  • Double-Barrelled Shotgun at middle of larger section of platform.
  • Double-Barrelled Shotgun in corner of dock opposite Shells near beam section of platform.
  • Nailgun on ground floor, underneath platform, corner opposite Water Level.
  • Shells on ground floor, underneath platform, near Water Level.
  • Shells on ground floor, on dock near beam section of platform, opposite Double-Barrelled Shotgun platform.
  • Nails at middle of beam section of platform.
  • Nails on ground floor, near staircase leading to platform.
  • Small section of corroded metal Wall, halfway between staircase to platform and dock, lowers Elevator.
  • Elevator near pillar under platform, leads to Upper Platform, lowered by hitting small section of Wall.

Upper Platform

  • Red Armor on top section, side overlooking platform of Lower Platform.
  • Rocket Launcher on side of platform overlooking platform of Lower Platform.
  • Rockets on side of platform overlooking dock of Lower Platform.
  • Rockets on top section, side overlooking platform of Lower Platform.


Alternate Versions
