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Quake Wiki

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Gene Jones is a level designer. He often went by his username, SK-Imaginos. As suggested by his username, he was part of the SinTheTiK clan. He has also gone by the names Destinova or the Magna of Illusion.

His levels were often notable for including a large number of secret, hidden areas. His mindset was that secrets should be completely secret, meaning without any clues in the level to give them away, though he tended to include a semi-walkthrough in his documentation to explain where all the hidden areas were located.

As Gene Jones felt he couldn't play as well as other players, he felt the best way to even the playing field was to include a Pentagram of Protection along with a massive cache of resources in a well hidden area of his maps. The player that knew about this particular area (often the designer himself) would be able to gain a lot of kills in a quick amount of time.

His clanmates often referred to him as POPZ since he was 45 years old in 1996 and thus older than the average clan member.

Gene Jones had a son was also a member of SinTheTiK; his son was also known as Gene Jones. The son often went by the username SK-realistik and often collaborated with Imaginos. While Imaginos has made maps on his own, it is unknown if realistik did anything that wasn't with his father.

Quake Levels
