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Attack Damage

Fire Balls (40)

Found in

Dissolution of Eternity


Hephaestus, also known as the Lava Man, are encountered in the Fire section of Elemental Fury II. Here, the player fights four of them as they progress through the area to the exit. When each one is killed, a switch is revealed. All four switches need to be pressed to gain access to the end of the level, meaning that the player must kill all four to win.


Hephaestus resembles a smaller version of the Quake boss Chthon and shares its lava ball attacks. However, unlike Chthon, the lava demons can be killed with the player's normal weapons. The lava balls look the same but they are weak in comparison to its big brother, but they still do 40 damage which will hurt. It's fairly easy to strafe side-to-side (avoiding the balls) while returning fire.


The area layout of each encounter differs slightly, but all areas offer good enough room to strafe. Also, these areas are all large enough to put enough space in between the player and the Hephaestus to use explosive weapons like the Rocket Launcher with Multi Rockets (which is recommended as weapon of choice as it will kill these things quickly and ammo is plenty).

Avoid using the Nailgun or Super Nailgun with Lava Nails against them, because they are resistant to fire.

The Hephaestus take a beating with 1,725 health, but as long as the player avoids the lava balls, the 4 battles are pretty much a push over.

Death Messages

  • "Player" fries in Hephaestus' fury



Hephaestus emerging from Lava
Hephaestus detecting his opponent
Hephaestus launching his projectile
Hephaestus' projectile exploding
Hephaestus being injured
Hephaestus being killed