Homing Missiles is a modification for Quake made by Vhold on July 27, 1996. This modification alters the Rocket Launcher so that it seeks opponents and attempts to lock onto them, attempting to chase an enemy without the player having to aim at said foe.
Players can also press impulse 20 to drop a Backpack. This Backpack holds 20 of all Ammo types the player has an appropriate amount of (lesser values giving lesser amounts of Ammo) except Rockets, which hold a maximum of 10. This has been designed to give players the ability to better distribute Ammo in team-based Game Modes.
Impulse 26 can be used to immediately detonate any Grenade Launcher projectiles or homing missiles in play.
This modification also causes the player to create extra Gibs when killed. Furthermore, Crucified Zombies are able to be shot at and killed with this modification.
Vhold later made this modification into Vhold's Weapons & MORE.
Version History
v.005 (Update by Lynx and Dumont)
- Added Impulse 26
- The homing missile now has a limited turning speed, meaning it cannot instantly turn in the direction of a detected opponent.
v.001 - July 27, 1996
- Official release