Quake Wiki
Quake Wiki
Quake Wiki

This article appeared in Quake  This article appeared in Quake II  This article appeared in Quake III Arena  This article appeared in Quake 4  This article appeared in Enemy Territory: Quake Wars  This article appeared in real life  

Humans (Latin: Homo, meaning "Man") are a genus of sentient peoples native to Earth and part of the primate family. Fossil records date the last surviving species (Homo sapiens, meaning "Wise Man") as having existed for about 200,000 years before the common era.


Main article: Early Human History

The Strogg[]

Main article: War against the Strogg

Invasion of Earth[]

Main article: Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

First Invasion of Stroggos[]

Main article: Quake 2

Second Invasion of Stroggos[]

Main article: Quake 4


Global Defense Force[]

Main article: Global Defense Force

The Global Defense Force, or G.D.F. was formed in response to the initial Strogg invasion of Earth.

Terran Coalition of Man[]

Main article: Terran Coalition of Man

The Terran Coalition of Man comprises all remaining human forces; it was under the banner of the T.C.M. that the first and second invasions of Stroggos were launched.[1]

Space Marine Corps[]

Main article: Space Marine Corps

The Space Marine Corps, or S.M.C., is subordinate organization of the T.C.M., and is the primary assault force of the second invasion.


  1. Appointment with Armageddon, Paul Jaquays
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