The Hyperblaster is a weapon exclusive to the Strogg in Enemy Territory: Quake Wars.
General Information[]
The Strogg Hyperblaster can be used by Strogg Aggresors. It actually does the same amount of damage as the GDF N93 Machine Gun, but it has a higher rate of fire and lower spread, making it a more powerful weapon. However it takes a second to warm up before it will begin to fire, which can make it a handicap. Firing from a Hyperblaster in motion is not very effective way of shooting, so better find a good vantage point (or narrow passage), go prone and wait for enemies. It's more effective when crouching or prone, not just for the accuracy bonus this always affords, but a much quicker settle time. The Hyperblaster slows your movement and leaves you somewhat vulnerable, but it's a great weapon on defense or when you're supported by other teammates.