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This article appeared in Quake III Arena  

Janet default
Biographical information
Physical description


Hair Color

Pink / Red / Blue / Green

Eye Color

Dark Brown


Shotgun, Rocket Launcher


Combat Armor

Additional information
Eat gauntlet, baby!

—Janet after a humiliation frag

Janet is a character in Quake III: Team Arena and Quake Live.

Bored of her pampered life among the social elite, Janet donned combat armor and a shotgun to add some excitement to her daily routine.

Quake III: Team Arena[]

The female Quake III: Team Arena character has 5 different head models to choose from.

  • Janet, Aidami race.
  • Callisto, Human race.
  • Megan, Human race.
  • Gammy, Undead race.
  • Ursula, B'Rakku race.

Each character AI has different roles and playstyle:

  • Janet and Gammy are All-around
  • Megan and Callisto are Defenders, the latter is usually the captain of the enemy teams.
  • Ursula is an Attacker

Quake Live bio[]

Janet ql



  • Janet is a playable character in Quake Live and Quake Arena Arcade.
  • Janet does not have bot support in Quake Live. (It is not possible to add her through the server menu.)
  • Quake Live added Team Arena's James and Janet as playable characters, though Janet's head model was swapped for Callisto's in this version.
  • In Quake Live, Janet's blue team colors show Callisto's face texture with a blue hue.
  • In Quake III: Team Arena, Callisto's face does not turn blue when she is playing for the blue team, regardless of which clan she is in.
  • Janet's character model has one unused frame in her crouch idle animation. Her crouch animation looks shaky due to this.
  • Janet (Callisto's head model) is one of the few characters who can blink (the others are Lucy, Sarge and Ranger in Quake Live).