A list of Notable Quotes spoken by Jeremiah Anderson.
Quake 4[]
- "Hey, you're Kane right? Here, let me heal you. If you find any medkits, they can also heal you."
- "There is a guy injured? Yeah, I can go, lead the way."
- "So many lives wasted."
- "Don't worry, you'll be fine."
- "I've given him a medkit. He should be back on foot in no time."
- "You continue to surprise by staying alive with foot and hands. Congratulations."
- "Sir, according to the med-chip, this is Matthew Kane!"
- "No, the chip inside hasn't activated yet, the Strogg do not control him."
- "You can't run around with no arms. Grab Morris' weapons."
- "You want something?"
- "Got it, Kane, this way."
- "Shit, there goes our only way out!"
- "I copy, Lieutenant! Anderson out."