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Quake Wiki

This article appeared in Quake  This article appeared in real life  

Jonathan Avraham is a modder. He has also gone by the names Shambler and Procedure.

Avraham lived in Isreal and, unlike most at the time, did not have an e-mail address. This meant that any questions in regards to his modifications would have to be answered either on Undernet or via regular mail. Included with each modification was Avraham's mailing address.

In addition to the modifications made, Avraham mentioned that he designed a "Power Axe". This was an Axe that shoots electricity upon hitting flesh, stone, or metal. According to Avraham, everyone else was designing this modification, meaning it would be worthless to release since it would be redundant.

Another idea that Avraham suggested was "Sabotage Dogs". Rottweilers would have bombs planted inside their head that would detonate when the dog was angered, such as when biting or jumping. It is unknown if this modification was ever released; this concept was only mentioned in the earlier mods made by Avraham as a coming attraction.

Quake Modifications
