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Quake Wiki

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KiCKER-1 is a Single Player and Multiplayer level.


You spawn in the doorway of the central fortress. Head up the ramp to your left, inside the fortress, then follow the beam to your right to collect the 25 Health and Double-Barrelled Shotgun. Turn left, then drop to the ground before turning left again. Head down the side of the structure to collect the Shells and Grenade Launcher in the far right corner. Turn left, then move forward once more to collect the Super Nailgun and Nails. Continue forward to head past the structure, then turn left and cross the structure once more. Collect the Shells and Nails straight ahead. To your right is a ramp, ignore this for the moment and instead turn left, then move forward to collect the Quad Damage. Return to the ramp and head up it, then turn around at the top to head up the next section of ramp. Upon reaching the top, turn right to head down a balcony, then continue to the far side to collect the Shells and Rocket Launcher.


Spawn Locations

