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This article appeared in Quake II  

Lava Q2
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Stroggos has large amounts of volcanic activity. Don't go anywhere near lava unless it is absolutely necessary. An enviro-suit won't help you much.

—The Quake II Manual

Lava is a dangerous fluid found on Stroggos. Considerably more dangerous than Slime, a player's health will quickly be drained if they come into contact with Lava. Armor and the Power Shield will absorb some of the damage, but even with these protections a player should try to minimise contact with lava unless absolutely necessary. The rate of damage is greater if a player is in deep lava than if they are standing in shallow lava.

The Enviro-Suit gives partial but not complete protection from lava; if a player is wearing an Enviro-Suit then the damage taken from lava is reduced to the damage normally dealt by slime. The Invulnerability artifact renders a player immune to damage from lava.

Lava is equally deadly to the Strogg, although there are few opportunities to lure enemies into Lava. In the original game, Berserkers can knock you or other Strogg into the air with their upward strike, which can be especially dangerous if there's lava around. In the 2023 remaster, Berserkers gained a new leap attack which causes a shockwave effect in a wide radius, potentially knocking the player into hazards such as lava.

It's possible that some of the "lava" found in the Strogg facilities is molten metal used in production rather than molten rock from underground volcanic activity.

There are, thankfully, very few areas in which a player needs to come into contact with lava. The exit door of the Inner Compound (The Reckoning) is found just beyond a narrow platform over a pool of lava with a series of swinging pendulum-like devices, which can be traversed safely with careful timing. There is a secret in the Torture Chambers in which a group of items including an Ammo Pack and Quad Damage are sitting at the bottom of a tank of Lava. The Invulnerability power-up is the only sensible way to reach it; it is technically possible to reach it while relying on the protection of Combat Armor and Power Shield, but the player would suffer severe damage and loss of cells. There is a secret in the Upper Palace which - on the harder difficulty settings - requires stepping through lava for a moment, but the player can make the journey if they are in good health.


Lava sound
The Player burns

Death Messages[]

  • "Player" does a back flip into the lava
