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Quake Wiki

This article appeared in Quake  

Let's Rock! is a Single Player level. The level mostly consists of a blacksmith's shop, but also features some living quarters.

This level lacks Monsters, instead being intended to be simply looked at and explored.


Proceed forward, heading through the doorway, and continue down the stairs to reach the blacksmith's shop. Turn left, then head through the doorway to reach the next room. Head to your right, around the wheelbarrow straight ahead, to collect the Rockets. Turn right, then jump onto the nearby small crate. Jump to your left to reach another small crate, then drop into the wooden structure straight ahead to collect the Rocket Launcher.

Return to the previous room, then head through the doorway on the opposite side and head to the end of the corridor. Turn left at the end, then continue forward to collect the Nails. Turn left once more, then head down the small flight of stairs to reach a small room. Drop into the Water in the upper left corner of the room to collect the Super Nailgun. Return to the blacksmith's shop, then turn right and head through the doorway across from the starting room. Head down the stairs, then turn left. Collect the Green Armor from the container to your left. Straight ahead is a staircase leading to a small dining room, outside of geometry to look at it serves no purpose.

