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This article appeared in Quake  

The Pain Drain is the first level of the Realm of Machinists and the first level of Dimension of the Machine overall. It is a large facility, interconnected into some caverns and containing some ponds of radioactive waste. The base itself is heavily guarded by Quake's forces, and monsters not normally native to idbase levels appear here as well.

This level also contains the secret exit to Sandy's Room, the only secret level of the episode. In order to access it, the player must find four buttons labeled with the letter S, then must push a floorplate in the central room to open an underwater gate in the central elevator room. Using the Biosuit, the player must swim around the sides of the area until they find the secret exit.

Quick level completion[]


Differences from Easy to Normal[]

Differences from Normal to Hard/Nightmare[]


(#1) As soon as you go through the door to the room with the big acidic moat, jump over the railing to your left down to the boxes below to pick up the Biosuit, then continue down the moat until you come to a platform with a 100 Health and a button.
(#2) Pressing the button at Secret #1 opens a door further on down the moat's path. Continue down it until you get to the next platform with the metal railing, with two Enforcers. Continue past them until you get to the Gold Keycard door (guarded by more Enforcers, Grunts and Rottweilers); the door that opened is on the wall across from the door. Going inside it tags the secret.
(#3) In the room with the Silver Key, go to the far corner of the room (the right of the room with the key in it when facing it from the door you entered the room from), and look up to the ceiling; there will be a gap in the wooden paneling containing a Shootable Button; shooting it lowers a wall next to your position containing a Green Armor.
(#4) Inside the multi-leveled room with the acid pools, giant chains and corner platform containing a 100 Health, there is a suit of Green Armor on one of the wooden planks above near where the Health is. To get it, you must jump to the wooden plank on the other side of the stone column separating the two plank sections, then jump around the column to get to the Armor; this jump is rather tricky and may take a few tries to do successfully.
(#5) Within this level, there are 4 grey runic panels on the wall that must be shot; doing so will turn them red, to show they have been activated. 2 of these runes are on the lowest level (just off the giant elevator) inside another multi-leveled room with chains and acid pools (which also contains a Yellow Armor), and the other 2 are in the hallway containing the Silver Key; once all four have been shot and turned from grey to red, the message "A door has been opened." will appear on the screen. The door in question is on the opposite side of the entrance to the Silver Key hallway (on the other side of the giant elevator); this room contains a Biosuit and a Floor Plate. Stepping on the plate will display the message "An underwater gate has been raised..."; dive down into the acid at the very bottom of the giant elevator on the side of the room opposite the opened door (which is the same side as the Silver Key hallway one level above it) and you will see the bars that were previously blocking your access to the giant sewer pipe have been raised; going through here is the secret exit to MGE1M3: Sandy's Room.


Type Count
Easy Normal Hard/Nightmare
??? ? ? ?
Total 97 110 128
HUB: The Machine Quake Levels MGE1M2: The Wishing Well
MGE1M3: Sandy's Room
