Mbuild is a converter for Quake made by David Langeliers. It imports .mpb files, which are similar to those in POV-Ray, and exports them as .map files. The .mpb file defines the brushes in Quake, while tags are added in Mbuild to define entities, rotations, angles, and textures. Mbuild is a relatively limited program, being only able to create 6-sided boxes.
Mbuild 0.5 was released on September 25, 1996. This update changed the test files to just use idBase. It also supported Libraries, which allowed brushes to be copied repeatedly and stored for later use.
Mbuild was one of the numerous early editors created that quickly fell by the wayside; unlike later editors it would require additional ray tracing software that made the process more complex. While there were test levels released in September, most had moved on from this editor by early August of 1996.
- box-test file for mbuild 0.3-djl
- funny's map o' rama! visit the mecca for all your quake needs! http://www.mm.com/user/tcdmntia/wwd/index.htm
- mbuild library
- Quake102..... -Dave
- rbox-test file for mbuild 0.3-djl
- sbox-test file for mbuild 0.3-djl
- shaft of the soulless
- wbox-test file for mbuild 0.3-djl