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MunY 01, By Eric Sambach & Mark Hornery or MunY 01 is a Single Player and Multiplayer level. There are no differences between the Single Player and Deathmatch versions of this map.

This level is relatively small, meaning it is recommended to be played with 2-3 players in Deathmatch mode.

This is the first level in the MunY series and was succeeded by MunY 02, By Eric Sambach and MunY 03, By Eric Sambach


Collect the Thunderbolt in the lower left corner, the Green Armor in the lower right corner, and the two 25 Health in the upper corners. Proceed forward to walk onto a ramp, then kill the Grunt straight ahead. Turn around and look upward to kill the Grunt in the room above, then look up the ramp you are on once more. Collect the Shells in the lower left corner and the Double-Barrelled Shotgun from the platform in the middle of the room. Head into the doorway in the upper right corner to collect the Rocket Launcher, then head out of the doorway once more to return to the main room. Head through the doorway on the opposite side of the room to reach another room. Collect the Super Nailgun in the upper right corner and Nails in the upper left corner, then turn left and head up the ramp. Turn left at the top, then proceed forward to reach the room overlooking the starting room. Collect the Rockets in the lower left corner, then go through the doorway to your right to collect the Grenade Launcher. Return to the main room, then head through the doorway across from the one you used to enter the room while turning right. Collect the Nails, then turn left to head down a staircase. Collect the Nailgun at the bottom, the doorway to your left leads back to the room with the Double-Barrelled Shotgun.


Type Count
Easy Normal Hard/Nightmare
Grunt 2 2 2
Total 2 2 2


Spawn Locations

