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This article appeared in Quake 4  

Nikolai Sledjonovitch


Biographical information



St. Petersburg, Russia

Physical description





6'3" (190.5 cm)


240 lbs (108.9 kg)

Additional information

S.M.C., Rhino Squad

  • Heavy Weapons Expert

Sergeant Nikolai "Sledge" Slidjonovitch (Николай Слидьёнович) is a 25-year-old Rhino Squad heavy weapons expert from St. Petersburg, Russia.


Slidjonovitch is the son of a Russian Olympic weightlifter, and was raised on a farm. Rather than going to college to study chemical engineering like his family expected, he joined the Space Marine Corps where he earned the nickname Sledge for dismembering a Strogg and using the limbs to fight off others until help arrived. Notably, Slidjonovitch was hospitalized for three weeks after killing a Strogg with his bare hands (while also having a bullet lodged in his lung).

Second Invasion on Stroggos[]

On Stroggos, Corporal Slidjonovitch covers Marian Bidwell's back at the trenches. When Kane returns after attacking the Strogg hangar, Slidjonovitch helps Morris and Scott Voss assault the anti-aircraft gun. During Operation: Advantage, Slidjonovitch is found at the Death convoy staging area, but isn't around for the rest of the operation.

After Kane is captured and Stroggified, Slidjonovitch is present in his rescue. While on the Hannibal, Slidjonovitch is promoted to Sergeant to replace the dead Bidwell. During Operation: Last Hope, Slidjonovitch helps Kane reach the top of the data processing tower and stays behind to guard the security console. He is later seen on the Hannibal, congratulating Kane.


Main article: Nikolai "Sledge" Slidjonovitch/Quotes


  • Slidjonovitch is six foot three inches tall (1.90 m), tying him with Bidwell, and is two hundred and forty pounds (108.862 kg), making him the heaviest member of Rhino Squad.
  • Despite being a heavy weapons expert, Slidjonovitch does not operate any heavy weaponry for the entire game, this role is often reserved for Kane.
  • Notably, the HUD identifies Slidjonovitch as Sgt. 'Sledge', including apostrophes, rather then Sgt. Slidjonovitch.
  • According to Eric Biessman, Slidjonovitch was named that way simply for the Sledge nickname. The name actually looks like a plausible Serbian name (Sliđonović) although this could be easily enough explained by his father or grandfather being Serbian.
  • He refers to Stroggs as squibs.
  • He uses the Machine Gun or the Hyperblaster as his main weapon.

