OFFICE1 is a Multiplayer level with a multi-level building in the middle. This level is intended for 4 players or less.
There is no in-game name for this level, nor is any name included with the documentation. This level is therefore named after the filename.
This level is almost identical to OFFICE2. The only difference is that this version relies on Nail Traps, not modifying the .QCC like the latter version would require. It also supports Deathmatch, unlike the latter.
Spawn Locations
- Courtyard, near Central Building, near slope to Rockets, middle.
- Courtyard, near Central Building, near opposite slope to Rockets, middle.
- Courtyard, near Central Building, near slope to Rockets, near Rocket Launcher.
- Courtyard, near Central Building, near opposite slope to Rockets, near entrance to ramp leading to Rocket Launcher.
Important Item Locations
- Rocket Launcher - Top of ramp of Courtyard, near bottom of slope from Central Building.
- Rocket Launcher - Top of opposite ramp of Courtyard, near bottom of slope from Central Building.
- Quad Damage - Fifth floor of Central Building.
- Green Armor - Second floor of Central Building.
- Yellow Armor - Third floor of Central Building.
- Red Armor - Fourth floor of Central Building.
Room-By-Room Summarization
- Rocket Launcher at top of ramp near bottom of each slope or 2 in total.
- 8 Rockets at the bottom of each slope on opposite sides of the Central Building, or 16 in total.
Central Building
- Quad Damage on fifth floor.
- Green Armor on second floor.
- Yellow Armor on third floor.
- Red Armor on fourth floor.
- Doors separate each floor except roof, there are 5 in total.
- Elevator travels slowly between each floor.
- Elevator on roof leads to highest platform.
- Highest platform triggers 2 Nail Traps on each side of the Courtyard as long as it is stood on, 1 by each Rocket Launcher and another running alongside each line of Rockets.