The Map[]
The map is shaped like an imperfect square box. Memorable for its foggy nature, a long catwalk, and high towering gates surrounding the center, the map does not involve, nor is it designed to have many players, due to its small nature. Unlike previous Tourney maps, this small map doesn't include many power-ups either.
- Rocket Launcher at the midst of towering gates.
- Plasma Gun is at the north-east of the middle area by taking small gate embodied under catwalk as north direction and taking stairs to your left.
- Shotgun is at the south west right across corner of Plasma Gun.
- Quad Damage (Q3) spawns at the end of the catwalk that surrounds the middle gates at 2 minute intervals.
- There is a Light Armor next to the gate where the Shotgun is.
- Across corner of the Light Armor and Shotgun spawns, lie some Armor Shards behind the catwalk, together with a Plasma Gun.
- Gold Healths are scattered around the center Rocket Launcher area and at the top of first stairs leading onto the catwalk.
All players spawn with an extra 50% armor and extra loaded Machine Gun (Q3) bullets. That causes the usual player respawn sound to be accompanied by a sharp metallic armor pickup sound. This can lead to plenty of continous fire and it reduced to respawn-killing.
The map is shrouded in fog. This effect can't be removed. Vision can improve slightly by turning down some effects and keeping the graphical details high enough. Alas, the fog of war won't allow players to see more than 3 meters ahead.
This map is the second tourney map to revolve around the Quad Damage pickup, after Q3Tourney1.
The map is focused around listening for sounds and reacting to them. It is shrouded in fog, leaving the player almost exclusively with audible cues to locate enemies. When respawned in disadvantageous positions, it's advised to try to locate enemy players and stay on the move before they can determine your position.
Checking the Rocket Launcher spawn at the center constantly after fragging a player is advised. After spawning, the gameflow is about picking up Armor Shards or the Yellow Armor if possible then acquiring the Rocket Launcher and keeping control of Gold Healths.
This gameflow actually swirls and ends at the center of the map for a dominant player. For a player who's losing control, it's about moving the action to the outer edges of the map, timing the Quad and ambushing the other players while they're attempting to restock armor. Preferably using the Shotgun or PG.
After combat encounters, players are likely to aim for the Light Armor spawn, after collecting some 50 health pickups nearby. So when you get fragged you know where you know where to look for revenge, aside from the Rocket Launcher dome.
The Quad Damage spawns at 2 minute mark and in 2 minute intervals from that point. Usually, a "speed of sound" (or low-flying plane) noise can be heard when it spawns. The Quad can be picked up at the end of the catwalk, either by getting up the stairs and crossing it to the end or via a slightly risky maneuver of rocket jumping straight for it from below.
The top of the gates around the Rocket Launcher area can be reached via a rocket jump. It's a rather risky move, as it gives the other players the benefit of being able to move around safely and restock on armor and health but it can be useful if you are sure you can shut them down once they move towards the RL.
- It is the only Quake 3 map which is shrouded in fog.
- This is also the only Quake 3 map which was in the IHV leak to be a level in the final version.
- This map is also the smallest Q3A map among the entire official maps.