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Qua.. it Volume 1 or QUAKIT is a commercial add-on for Quake. This add-on was released on August 27, 1996. It is unknown if a Volume 2 was ever released.

This add-on was also released under the name Earth-Quake. All files on the two CDs are identical, including the CD itself being named QUAKIT, suggesting a reselling.

Like many id Software based shovelware releases in Germany, the Quake name had to be censored due to it being on the The List of Media Harmful to Young People.

This add-on primarily focuses on Deathmatch, since most things released for Quake at this point were made for said Game Mode.


Main Article: Qua.. it Volume 1 Levels

Levels in Quak..it Volume 1 are separated into two categories, BSP and MAP, based on the file format they were saved under. .BSP levels can be loaded normally by Quake, while .MAP files require QBSP, LIGHT, AND VIS to properly compile it.

The launcher requires Windows 95 to run, meaning it can only be loaded with a 32-bit OS and does not function in DOS. .BSP levels feature 320x200 Bitmap screenshots of each level that appear when each is selected, clicking will return the user to the normal launcher. The launcher also includes the original documentation. While a slight blurb has been included on each level, the original English documentation has been retained and left unmodified.

The launcher was formatted with CDInst2; it also includes buttons to copy the text, search for key words within each of the text files, and print the text files. Leaving the program includes a blurb that states that all software included is shareware and must be registered after so much time, even though all files consist of free resources found on the internet.

New Content


Custom MDL Files

Main Article: 1996 Custom .MDL Files

  • C3PO


Closed-Source Mods

Open-Source Mods

Level Editing Software


Also includes QUAKEMON for Qtest, which can be used to place specific Monsters in a level.

  • A Better Free Look For Quake - A .CFG file that automatically centers the view after the free look button is released.
  • AdQuedit Quake Workstation - An all-in-one editor for Win95. Can navigate directories. Can replace, rename, or export textures to .MIP file format in both .BSP files and .WAD files. Can open and extract .PAK files. Can open .MDL files and extract, add, or replace skins.
  • ICONS!!!! - A Doom icon, two Quake icons, and an icon of a cartoon person.
  • NecroBoi's Configuration - A .CFG file featuring numerous aliases such as zooming, x-ray, gravity, circle strafing, and firing a quick Rocket Launcher shot.
  • QBSP - Programs needed to compile levels.
  • QMAPFMT - Formatting for .MAP files.
  • Quake Editing Utilities - The source code to a very early Quake editor.
  • Quake Texture Ripper - Imports and exports textures from .MDL files.
  • Quake Wallpaper - Small wallpaper image intended to be tiled.
  • QuakeCheck - Determines the status of a server, including the name of the current map and the number of players, as well as the ping the player would have on the server. 32-bit program.
  • QuakeDef Tools - Includes QDEXPORT and QDIMPORT, converting back and forth between .BSP and ASCII, allowing the user to modify entity locations.
  • QuakeME 2.2 - Windows 95 tool. Animation viewer for MDL files, can also edit textures.
  • QuakeView - View the graphics in a .PAK file.
  • QUtils Binaries - DIRPACK (obsolete method to collapse directories into .PAK files), UNPACK (unpacks a .PAK into a directory tree), QLUMPY (grabs graphics from .lbm files, not generally used), TEXMAKE (takes .tri files and generates a wireframe in .lbm for artists to draw on), MODELGEN (takes .tri files along with the TEXMAKE skin to output a .mdl file) and SPRGEN (grabs sprite data). Tools made by John Carmack.
  • QVER BSP Version Converter - Converts a .BSP file from one version to another, also displays the current version of a .BSP. Needed to make shareware levels work with the registered game.
  • unwad2 - Extracts a chosen texture from a WAD2 file and outputs it as a .BMP.
  • Winpack - Unpacks .PAK files, shows entries and allows the user to choose the files they wish to extract. 16-bit program.