A port of Quake was created by Tectoy for the controversial Brazilian game console Zeebo, this port includes all the levels from the PC version, but lacks soundtrack. The game was translated into Brazilian Portuguese, this version does not feature multiplayer options.
An Quake II port was also released for the same platform sometime later, unlike the first Quake this one has Soundtrack during gameplay, strangely the voices (including these from Stroggs.) were dubbed into Brazilian Portuguese, similiarly the text in-game was also translated.
The ports, while being made for an considerably controversial console, are the most accurate in terms of gameplay and graphics, with some bad points such as no music (Quake) or that the games are not in English like the original PC version, slow downs are present, but not to an large extent.
Tectoy had been the distributor of the first Brazilian release of Quake, as well as Scourge of Armagon.
- Sound Effects are considerable of lower quality, it also suffers from delays.
- There can be some slow down in some cases, happens more frequently on the Quake II Port.
- Soundtrack is missing on the first Quake, on the Quake II port however it is present.
- No multiplayer options for both versions.
- Text was translated into Portuguese, in turn voices were dubbed in Quake II aswell.
- Upon exiting the game, an Tectoy advertisement appears instead of the regular ID Software credits.
- No weapon bobbing up and down (Quake).
- Hud only displays Armor, Health and Ammo (Quake).
[1] Quake
[2] Quake II