enemy dialog[]
I noticed several of the enemies on Quake 2 talk and I wanted to make a list of their dialog:
guards (all types) they say "clear" and "etog" (?) when they attack
berserkers: "Trespasser!"
iron maiden: sounds like they say "Traitor!" when they agro
gladiator: sounds like "Prepare to Die!"
tank: sounds like they are saying something but I've never been able to figure out what 02:16, December 6, 2011 (UTC)
No slug in ammo template[]
I don't see the railgun ammo in the ammo template.
Quake II death messages[]
Most pages for specific enemies have their own death messages when they kill a player... "Player was railed by a Gladiator" that kind of thing. Quake 1 does have these messages for each enemy, but Quake 2 doesn't as far as I know? Where are these coming from, is there a port of Quake 2 that does have these messages? -TombKingsWill