The ARKA sections is a Multiplayer level. This level is intended for 2-16 players.
This level is intended to be a sequel of sorts to The BENTA Base.
Spawn Locations
- Middle of Ancient Ruins room.
- Small room above Water in Under Water Section.
- Teleporter Hub, beside Grassy Hills Teleporter.
- Water Pillar, rafter overlooking Thunderbolt.
- Near middle of Crate Room.
- Grassy Hills, near tall grassy hill.
- Ancient Ruins room, near Movable Wall to hidden room.
- Under Water Section, between dark side Biosuit and Nailgun platform.
- Water Pillar, near alcove with Elevator to Super Nailgun.
- Teleporter Hub, beside Water Pillar Teleporter.
- Small platform of Water Pillar room.
- Staircase of Grassy Hills leading to top of tall grassy hills.
- Small corridor between Ancient Ruins and Crate Room.
- Water pillar of Water Pillar room.
- Water pillar of Water Pillar room.
- Empty alcove of Water Pillar room.
- Hidden room of Ancient Ruins.
Important Item Locations
- Double-Barrelled Shotgun - Middle of Crate Room.
- Nailgun - Under Water Section, raised platform near hole to Teleporter Hub.
- Super Nailgun - Balcony of Water Pillar opposite side of room from two alcoves.
- Grenade Launcher - Small platform of Grassy Hills, across from second floor balcony.
- Rocket Launcher - Teleporter Hub, between 2 Teleporters.
- Rocket Launcher - Teleporter Hub, between 2 Teleporters.
- Thunderbolt - Balcony of Water Pillar above dead end alcove.
- Quad Damage - Sealed alcove of hidden room of Ancient Ruins.
- Pentagram of Protection - Slime container of Grassy Hills.
- Ring of Shadows - Water Pillar, rafter opposite small platform.
- Biosuit - Grassy Hills, small platform above small grassy hill.
- Biosuit - Dark side of Under Water Section, across from hole to Teleporter Hub.
- Biosuit - Small room above Water in Under Water Section, accessed by hole in middle of large structure.
- 100 Health - Flat corner of Grassy Hills, across from hole leading to Ancient Ruins.
- Green Armor - Ancient Ruins, beside staircase leading to crate room.
- Yellow Armor - Grassy Hills, small platform above small grassy hill.
Room-By-Room Summarization
The ARKA sections
Ancient Ruins
- Quad Damage in sealed alcove of hidden room.
- Green Armor beside staircase leading to Crate Room.
- Elevator leads to second floor balcony of Grassy Hills.
- Cracked Wall can be hit to reveal hidden room.
- Two slow moving Movable Walls contain a small alcove in the middle of the hidden room.
- At top of staircase leading to Crate Room, two Movable Wall sections slide out and the center Portion raises to reveal the corridor beyond.
Crate Room
- Double-Barrelled Shotgun in the middle of the room.
- 2 Shells, 1 in each corner without a set of crates.
- Four 15 Health, two in each corner without a set of crates.
- Fast moving Movable Wall opens and closes at entrance to small corridor to Ancient Ruins.
- Teleporter at far end of room from Movable Wall, leads to Water Pillar.
Water Pillar
- Ring of Shadows on rafter opposite small platform.
- Super Nailgun on balcony opposite side of room from two alcoves.
- Thunderbolt on balcony above dead end alcove.
- Shells on small platform overlooking room near Super Nailgun balcony.
- Nails on Super Nailgun balcony.
- Rockets on small platform overlooking room near Super Nailgun balcony.
- Cells on small platform overlooking room near Super Nailgun balcony.
- 2 Cells on Thunderbolt balcony.
- Teleporter on Super Nailgun balcony, leads to Grassy Hills.
- Large Water pillar in the middle of the room allows access to rafters above.
- Elevator at end of lower alcove furthest from small platform, leads to Teleporter bringing player to Super Nailgun balcony.
Grassy Hills
- Pentagram of Protection in Slime container.
- Biosuit on small platform above small grassy hill.
- 100 Health in flat corner, across from hole leading to Ancient Ruins.
- Yellow Armor on small platform above small grassy hill.
- Grenade Launcher on small platform across from second floor balcony.
- 2 Rockets on Grenade Launcher platform.
- Tall grassy hill with pool of Water at the top, has Teleporter inside leading to staircase of Ancient Ruins.
- Container with Slime next to tall grassy hill.
- Movable Wall slides back and forth across middle of room, allows access to small ramp leading to Yellow Armor without using second floor balcony.
- Hole at top of small grassy hill leads to Under Water Section.
Under Water Section
- Biosuit on dark side, across from hole to Teleporter Hub.
- Biosuit in small room above Water, accessed by hole in middle of large structure.
- Nailgun on raised platform near hole to Teleporter Hub.
- Two 15 Health between dark side Biosuit and Nailgun platform.
- Two 15 Health in small room above Water.
- Water covers most of this area outside of a small room.
Teleporter Hub
- 2 Rocket Launchers between 2 Teleporters.
- 2 Rockets beside large light.
- Teleporter on large light side leads to middle of Grassy Hills.
- Teleporter on side with hole to Water Section leads to corner underneath Super Nailgun platform of Water Pillar room, opposite small platform side.