The Lava Pit is a Multiplayer level. This level features a Lava pit with five platforms suspended in the air and another four that are Moving Platforms. As the level is extremely small, there is a very limited supply of Weapons. This level is intended for 4 players or less.
Spawn Locations
- Central platform of Platforms, looking towards platform #1 and platform #2 - This orientation is used as an origin point. The platform to your left of the initial spawn location is platform #1, while the platform to your right of the initial spawn location is platform #2. The platforms are counted numerically in a clockwise fashion and the Moving Platforms are ignored, meaning that platform #3 would be in the lower right corner while platform #4 would be in the lower left from this initial spawn orientation.
- Central platform of Platforms, looking towards platform #1 and platform #4.
- Central platform of Platforms, looking towards platform #3 and platform #4.
- Central platform of Platforms, looking towards platform #2 and platform #3.
- Platform #3 of Platforms.
- Platform #2 of Platforms.
- Platform #1 of Platforms.
- Platform #4 of Platforms.
Important Item Locations
- Double-Barrelled Shotgun - Platform #1 of Platforms.
- Double-Barrelled Shotgun - Platform #3 of Platforms.
- Nailgun - Platform #2 of Platforms.
- Nailgun - Platform #4 of Platforms.
- Rocket Launcher - Central platform of Platforms.
Room-By-Room Summarization
- Double-Barrelled Shotgun on platform #1.
- Double-Barrelled Shotgun on platform #3.
- Nailgun on platform #2.
- Nailgun on platform #4.
- Rocket Launcher on central platform.
- 4 Moving Platforms, 1 on each side from the central platform.
- Lava in pool below platforms.