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This article appeared in Quake  This article appeared in Quake III Arena  

Q1 Q3 Void

The Void

The Void is a hazard found in E2M7: Hell's Aerie, a secret level of Quake. It appears as nothing more than a black endless space which forms the bottom of the entire level. Falling onto it kills the player character instantly, though its death message suggests that the character is not dead but perpetually floating in space.

Since there are no Pentagrams of Protection in Hell's Aerie, it cannot be verified whether or not one would offer protection from the Void. The player character can walk on the Void if the cheat code "Paul Mode" (invincibility) is enabled, but the graphics will become severely glitched the instant the player character touches the Void, making everything appear in monochrome black and blood red, and rendering the menu invisible. Furthermore, the Void is positioned well below the rest of the level, including the exit, so it is impossible to complete the level after falling into the Void in any case.

Oddly, dropping grenades into the Void produces the same sound effect as dropping them into a Fluid.

The Void reappears in Dimension of the Machine. Here, it gibs the player if they fall into it. The Pentagram of Protection does not provide protection from the void. The death message is also changed to reflect the player falling into it.

In Quake III Arena, the Void acts the same as the Fog of Death. It can be found in Tier 6 and Tier 7.

Death Messages

  • "Player" is lost in the void
  • "Player" fell to his death (2021 Remaster)
  • "Player" was in the wrong place (Quake III Arena)