Quake Wiki
Quake Wiki

This article appeared in Quake  

Vulcan is a Multiplayer level. There is no in-game name for this level, the name comes from documentation included with the file.

This level has a corrupt soundtrack directory as it searches for Track 1, which is a data track and therefore cannot be played.

The map is designed to represent an abandoned village at the foot of a volcano.

Spawn Locations

  • Bridge overlooking deep pool of Lava. (corrupt)
  • Middle floor of large ramp leading up side of mountain.
  • Middle floor of scaffolding.
  • Bottom floor, near the middle of the room, side closer to bridge and scaffolding. (corrupt)

Important Item Locations


Room-By-Room Summarization


  • Rocket Launcher on middle floor of scaffolding.
  • Deep pool of Lava under bridge separated from rest of level.
  • Lava runs from the top portion of the room, spreading down to the ground level to make a river.
  • Lava underneath the length of a hidden passageway behind the top portion of the mountain.
  • Elevator below scaffolding, side facing away from rest of level.
  • Elevator at end of middle floor allows access to top floor.
  • Elevator at the end of the hidden passageway, brings the player to an invisible Teleporter that takes them to the bridge.

