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This article appeared in Quake II  

Q2 warehouse

Quake II


Unit 2

Previous Map

Ammo Depot

Next Map

Main Gate
(Unit 3)

Specific Information


New Enemies


  • Secondary:
    • Restore power to key warehouse components.
    • Proceed to Detention Center.

The Warehouse is the final map of Unit 2. It is a large storage facility, which distributes various military supplies throughout other Strogg facilities.

Using the 4 Power Cubes collected earlier, the player is able to reactivate the main Warehouse systems and make his way to a conveyor belt, which allows him to infiltrate the Security Complex.

Quick Level Completion

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Differences from Easy to Normal

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Differences from Normal to Hard / Hard+

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  • #1) Eventually, you will come to a part of the map where you need to press a button to lower a spiral staircase and traverse to the bottom floor; once you get there, clear out the enemies waiting for you, then get on the bottom step of the staircase and jump up to the crate across from you to spot a Shootable Button on the wall tucked away behind the crate. Shoot it to open a secret passage that leads further down the staircase, containing a bevy of items, including a suit of Jacket Armor, an Adrenaline, Health and Ammo.
  • #2) In the room with a pit full of crates and a room to your left that contains a button to start a gondola, go into the room with the button and look up at the ceiling to find a Shootable Button; shooting this will open up the vent grate on the wall and reveal a ladder to allow you access to it, and the Quad Damage inside it.



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