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This article appeared in Quake II  

TR03 Waste Sieve
Waste Sieve

The Reckoning


Unit 1


03 - The Rage

Previous Map


Next Map

The Swamps

Specific Information

Easy: 42
Medium: 53
Hard/Nightmare: 56



New Powerups

Dualfire Damage

  • Primary: Gain access to Strogg Fortification.
  • Secondary: Continue through the sewers. Destroy all resistance.

The Waste Sieve is the last stop in Joker's circumvention of the Strogg laser fences in The Swamps. An exit leading to the defended security post is somewhere in this area.

As in the previous level, the map is entirely indoors, and the player will have to swim underwater from time to time and activate certain devices in order to open hatches or change water levels. There is one underwater pipe in particular which will require the use of a rebreather to avoid taking damage, but thankfully a rebreather can be found before you reach it.

This level is the first opportunity to collect a Dualfire Damage, a new power-up introduced in The Reckoning.

Quick Level Completion

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Enemy Easy Medium Hard/Nightmare
Light Guard 2 2 2
Shotgun Guard 17 17 17
Machine Gun Guard 9 11 11
Enforcer 6 9 12
Gunner 1 3 3
Parasite 1 2 2
Berserker 3 4 4
Flyer 3 5 6


  • #1) Before entering the tumbler, look at the ceiling above it to see a shootable button - it opens a nearby chamber containing Adrenaline.
  • #2) Just past, when you reach dry land again, turn around and shoot the Strogg symbol behind you to gain a Super Shotgun.
  • #3) In the cramped, pipe-filled room, there is a ledge full of Armor Shards. Jump across, and head to the right behind the pipes to find a little nook with a suit of Combat Armor inside.
  • #4) When you reach the small room containing two Berserkers and the switch that opens the exit, you can crouch and crawl your way through the windowsill and reach the side girders of the room below, then follow the pipes to reach a Dualfire Damage.



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