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This article appeared in Quake  

Wind is an invisible Hazard. Wind can technically be said to be found frequently in Quake, since it is the controlling factor of a Wind Tunnel, which in turn means it is the basis for any invisible force that pushes the player from one location to another. Unlike a Wind Tunnel however, powerful Winds can exist anywhere, often covering the length of an entire level and only be fought by being under a Fluid such as Water.

The biggest difference between an invisible Wind Tunnel spanning the length of a level and Wind is that a Wind Tunnel only affects the player. Wind can be stronger than air found in a Wind Tunnel, meaning it has the ability to cause projectiles to change their angle, the only thing that can avoid being controlled by Wind are hitscan Weapons and the Thunderbolt. The exact angle that the projectile moves depends on the player's orientation, the Wind pushes everything in a particular direction. This behavior is controlled with a modification known as ZWIND2, which is the name of the wind behavior combined with CSPIKE10.

While the Wind is more powerful than a Wind Tunnel in terms of what it affects, entities move a lot slower in a Wind storm.


Wind ambient sound