Wizard is a Level Theme in Quake and subtype of Medieval. A land covered in ancient ruins, these levels are often inspired by dark fantasy. Large buildings, such as castles and other fortresses, are commonly made out of green or grey stone and blue metal.
- Introduction - Merged with Elder World, Runic, idBase, and Terracotta.
- E1M2: Castle of the Damned
- E1M3: The Necropolis
- E1M4: The Grisly Grotto - Merged with Runic.
- E2M2: The Ogre Citadel
- E2M4: The Ebon Fortress - Merged with Terracotta and Elder World.
- E2M5: The Wizard's Manse - Merged with Elder World.
- E2M6: The Dismal Oubliette - Merged with Elder World, Runic, and Terracotta.
- E2M7: The Underearth - Merged with Terracotta and Runic.
- E3M6: Chambers of Torment - Merged with Runic.
- E4M2: The Tower of Despair - Merged with Elder World, Runic, and Terracotta.
- E4M3: The Elder God Shrine - Merged with Elder World, Runic, and Terracotta.
- E4M5: Hell's Atrium - Merged with Elder World.
- E4M6: The Pain Maze - Merged with Elder World and Runic.
- E4M8: The Nameless City - Merged with Elder World and Terracotta.
- DM4: The Bad Place - Merged with Runic.